Educational Qualifications

  • B.A. Arabic Language

    O.I.C. Islamic University, Niger Republic.

  • Post Graduate Diploma – Education.

    O.I.C. Islamic University, Niger Republic.

  • – Teaching Arabic to Non-Arab,

    King Sa'ud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • M. A. Teaching Arabic Language

    King Sa'ud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • Arabic Curriculum and Instruction

    Bukht Rida University, Sudan Republic

Professional Bodies Membership

  • permanent

    Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic & Islamic Studies (NATAIS)

  • Member

    Academic Society for Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria, (ASALLIN).

  • Member

    World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI), Nigeria Chapter, Kano Branch

  • Member

    The Charitable Foundation For Teaching and Spreading of Arabic Language in Nigeria

  • Member

    The Charitable Foundation For Teaching and Spreading of Arabic Language in Nigeria

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اللغة العربية وأثرها على بعض اللغات النيجيرية The Arabic Language in Nigeria and its Influence on other Nigerian Languages

Abdullahi A.M and Bawa M.S. (2012)
Journal Published at: Journal of Research in Arts and Social Science Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Vol.1, No.1. P. 206 - 210, Number: 1, Range: 206 - 210




الكتاتيب ومنهجها في تعليم اللغة العربية في نيجيريا Arabic Teaching Method in Qur'anic Schools in Nigeria

Abdullahi A.M and Bawa M.S. (2012)
Journal Published at: Journal of Research in Arts and Social Science Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 222 - 225




مفهوم الالتزام في الأدب الحديث The Concept of Artistic Dedication in Modern Literature

Abdullahi A.M and. Bawa M. S. (2012).
Journal Published at: AL-MIYAR International Journal of Arabic Studies, Department of Arabic, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 47 - 57




تأثير مناهج اللغة العربية في توطيد الأمن والسلام في نيجيريا The Impact of Arabic Education Curriculum on Peace and Security Establishment in Nigeria

Abdullahi A.M (2013).
Journal Published at: Journal of Islamic Studies Research (JISIR). Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 4, Number: 1, Range: 1 - 4




مستقبل تعليم اللغة في الجامعات النيجيرية The future of Teaching Arabic Language in Nigerian Universities

Abdullahi A.M (2015)
Journal Published at: Al-Qalam Journal for Arabic Studies, Department of Languages, Arabic Unit, Northwest University, Kano, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 128 - 143




,استخدام نموذج اللقاني لتطوير مناهج تعليم اللغة العربية في نيجيريا. The Application of Laqqani Model for Developing Arabic Language Curriculum in Nigeria

Abdullahi A.M (2016),
Journal Published at: AL-MIYAR International Journal of Arabic Studies. Department Arabic, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 211 - 228




مراكز تعليم اللغة العربية في نيجيريا The Centres of Teaching Arabic Language in Nigeria

Abdullahi A.M (2016)
Journal Published at: Al-Qalam Journal for Arabic Studies, Department of Languages, Arabic Unit, Northwest University, Kano State, Volume: 2, Number: 1, Range: 175 - 190




تعليم اللغة العربية في الجامعات النيجيرية: مشكلات وحلول The Problems and Prospects of Teaching Arabic Language in Nigerian Universities

Abdullahi A.M (2016)
Journal Published at: Al-Qalam Journal for Arabic Studies Department of Languages, Arabic Unit, Northwest University, Kano, Volume: 2, Number: 1, Range: 24 - 53




فاعلية استخدام الإملاء في التحصيل الأكاديمي لدى طلاب المدارس العربية في ولاية كنو. The Effect of Dictation on Academic Performance of Students of Arabic Secondary Schools in Kano State

Abdullahi A.M (2017).
Journal Published at: Al-Qirtas Journal of Arabic Language, Linguistics and Literature, Department of Arabic Kaduna State university, Volume: 4, Number: 1, Range: 316 - 411




المدارس العربية في ولاية كنو. “Issues in Adolescence and Adolescent Education in Arabic Schools of Kano State”,

Abdullahi, A. M.
Journal Published at: ”, al-Nibras Journal of Arabic Studies” Department of Languages (Arabic Unit), Sule Lamido University, Kafin Hausa, Jigawa State, Volume: Maiden Edition, Range: 228-238




Abdullahi, A. M. (2019).تقويم علاقة الأهداف بالمحتوى التعليمي لمنهج تعليم اللغة العربية في المرحلة الإعدادية في نيجيريا – الضف 1-3 السنة 2012 “An Evaluation of educational goals in relation to curriculum content (2012) of Junior Arabic Secondary schools i

Abdullahi, A. M.
Journal Published at: Alsun Journal of Humanities” Department of African Languages, College of Humanities, al-Qalam University, Katsina State, Volume: ii, Number: isssn 2705-1625, Range: 228-238




تقويم أهداف منهج تعليم اللغة العربية للمستوى الأساس في نيجيريا (2012) “An Evaluation of Educational goals for Arabic Language Curriculum for Primary Level in Nigeria. (2012)”.

Abdullahi, A. M.
Journal Published at: Bayero Journal of Education in Africa, Faculty of Education, Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria, Volume: 8, Number: 2, Range: 374-379




الأواصر الثقافية بين أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط “Cultural Ties Between Africa and the Middle East”

Abdullahi, A. M.
Journal Published at: Journal of Islamic Studies Research (JISR). Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University Zari, Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 228-233




اثر الطريقة المباشرة في تعليم الروضة الثانية بالمدارس العربية بولاية كدونا “Impact of Direct Method Of Teaching on Nursery Pupil’s Understanding Of Language in Kaduna State

Abdullahi A.M. & Fatima M. B.
Journal Published at: Bayero Journal of Education in Africa, Faculty of Education, Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria, Volume: 8, Number: 2, Range: 2360-7637




أثرطريقة الإكتشاف الموجه في تعليم اللغة العربية لدى تلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي في ولاية كدونا “Effect Of Guided Discovery Method of Teaching on Learning Arabic Language Among Primary School Pupil’s In Kaduna State, Nigeria

Abdullahi A. M. & Mardiyya A. B. (2021)
Journal Published at: Bayero Journal of Education in Africa, Faculty of Education, Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria, Volume: 8, Number: 2, Range: 390 - 392




اثر برنامج العروض في تعليم قواعد اللغة العربية لطلاب الصف الثاني الإعدادي في المدارس العربية يولاية كدونا “ Impact Of Using Power Point In

Abdullahi A. M. & Suwaiba S. (2021)
Journal Published at: Zaria Journal of Studies In Education (ZJSE) Journal of The Department Of Education Foundations And Curriculum Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 4, Number: 3, Range: 227 – 229




أثر إستخدام الألعاب اللغوية في تنمية القدرة على النطق الصحيح لدى تلاميذ الصف الثاني في المدارس العربية الإبتدائية بولاية كدونا نيجيريا “ Effect of Using Language Games on Pronunciation of Arabic Sound And Arabic Sentences of

Abdullahi M. A. & Sharfaddeen A. S. (2021)
Journal Published at: Journal of Studies In Education (ZJSE) Journal of The Department Of Education Foundations And Curriculum Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 4, Number: 3, Range: 223 – 227




مهارات تأثير معلم اللغة العربية على الطلاب “ The Influence of Arabic Teacher Skills on Students

Abdullahi M. A. (2022)
Journal Published at: Al-Nahda International Journal of Humanities A Refereed academy and Multidisciplinary Journal. Al-Nahda University, Niamey Niger Republic, Volume: 4, Number: 1, Range: 165 – 175




Principles and Methods of Teaching. 2nd Edition 2014

Dr. Abubakar Magaji Abdullahi & Fatima Ummi Abubakar
Book Published at: Versatile Educational Consultancy Services Ltd. Kano Nigeria. ISBN:978-978-931-079-5 For NCE, Arabic Medium Students.,




Arabic Language and Literature in Higher Education in Nigeria," Approaches of Teaching Foreign Languages in Nigeria”,

Abdullahi, A.M.
Book Published at: Academic Society for Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria. Kwara State, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 303 - 314




International Conference on Islam and Challenges of Development in the 21st Century”,

Abdullahi, A.M. Developing Arabic Language Curriculum for Solving the Problems of Muslims Education in Nigeria “Book of Abstracts”
Book Published at: Bayero University, Kano State, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 128



Abdullahi, A.M. The Importance of Learning Arabic Language to Nigerian Pilgrims

Local Organised by: National Conference on ‘Pilgrimage in Islam and Nigerian Pilgrims,’ Cultural Attaché Office Royal Embassy of Saudi-Arabia-Abuja in Collaboration with Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. , Start date: 2012-03-24, End date: 2012-03-25

Abdullahi, A.M. The Effects of Arabic Language Curriculum in Security and Peace Building in Nigeria

Local Organised by: Annual National Conference, Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS) on ‘Security and Peace Building in Nigeria’: Theme: The Role of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Kwara State.College of Arabic and Islamic Legal St , Start date: 2013-04-21, End date: 2013-04-24

Abdullahi, A.M. The Curriculum for Teaching Foreign Languages in Nigeria.

Local Organised by: Nigerian Association of Arabic Language and Literature (NATALL). Bayero University Kano State eme: Arabic Language and literature in Higher Education in Nigeria. , Start date: 2014-05-27, End date: 2014-05-30

Abdullahi, A.M & Muhammed, S. Ibrahim. Arabic Language the Primary Requirement for Interpretation of the Holy Qua’ran

Local Organised by: National Conference, NATAIS, and University of Ibadan, Nigeria. , Start date: 2015-12-06, End date: 2015-12-10

Abdullahi, A.M The Elements of Arabic Language Curriculum Evaluation in Nigeria

Local Organised by: National Conference on Arabic Heritage and Human Civilization, Organized by ASSALIN, Umaru Musa Yaradua University Katsina , Start date: 2016-10-17, End date: 2016-10-20

Abdullahi, A.M . Developing the Curriculum of institutions of Arabic Studies to Combating Economic Recession in Nigeria

Local Organised by: National Conference on Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Global Recession, held at Lagos State University (LASU), Lagos , Start date: 2017-12-24, End date: 2017-12-29

Abdullahi, A.M. The Curriculum of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Nigerian Universities: Challenges and Solutions

Local Organised by: Training Workshop by Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ISESCO at Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2019-07-08, End date: 2019-07-11

Abdullahi, A.M The Role of Class Management in building positive attitude towards Arabic Language

Local Organised by: Training Workshop by Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ISESCO at Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2019-07-08, End date: 2019-07-11

Abdullahi, A.M . The Role of Tests and Drills in evaluating student’s language skills acquisition

Local Organised by: Training Workshop by Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ISESCO at Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2019-07-08, End date: 2019-07-11

Abdullahi A. M.Methods of Teaching Arabic Language Elements. A paper presented at a 3-day ICESCO training Workshop for Arabic Teachers for Federal Unity Colleges on Effective Strategies for Developing Arabic Teaching Skills in Compliance with Demands of M

Local Organised by: Arabic Department of Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2021-03-23, End date: 2021-03-25

Abdullahi A. M. Language Testing and Assessment of Language Skills. A paper presented at a 3-day ICESCO training Workshop for Arabic Teachers for Federal Unity Colleges on Effective Strategies for Developing Arabic Teaching Skills in Compliance with Deman

Local Organised by: Arabic Department of Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2021-03-23, End date: 2021-03-25

Abdullahi, A.M Developing Arabic Language Curriculum for Solving the Problems of Muslims Education in Nigeria

International Organised by: Department of Islamic Studies and Shari'ah BUK Kano International Conference on: Islam and Challenges of Development in the 21st Century, Bayero University, Kano , Start date: 2015-05-14, End date: 2015-05-18

Abdullahi, A.M Strategic Methods of Developing Arabic Language Curriculum in Nigerian Educational Institutions

International Organised by: Bayero University, Kano. International Conference on the Role of Arts in Development, , Start date: 2016-10-09, End date: 2016-10-12

Undergraduate Teaching

Postgraduate Teaching
