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  • Primary School

    Saidu Model Primary School

  • Secondary School

    Demonstration Secondary School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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Mutagenic Effects of Urea and Colchicine on Two Rice Landraces (Farrar Jollof and Yar Zamfara) at M1 Generation.

Aliyu, R. E., Bayero, U, Adebola, M. I., Aminu, A., & Adamu, A. K.
Journal Published at: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED), Volume: 12, Number: 2, Range: 1-10




Phenotypic variability of false sesame treated with sodium azide

Aliyu R.E., Aliyu, A. & Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: FULafia Journal of Science and Technology, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 57-62




Inducing phenotypic variants in sesame with fast neutron irradiation

Aliyu R.E., Aliyu, A. & Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 52-60




Genetic variability induced by Sodium azide and fast neutron in Sesame and False Sesame using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA marker

Aliyu, A., Aliyu, R.E. & Adamu, A.K.
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences, Volume: 12, Number: 3, Range: 28-34




Phenotypic effect of sodium azide on sesame and false sesame,

Aliyu, A., Aliyu, R.E. & Adamu, A.K. (2017)
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences, Volume: 12, Number: 3, Range: 49-58




Morphogenetic improvement of false sesame induced by fast neutron irradiation

Aliyu, R.E & Aliyu, A.
Journal Published at: African Journal of Agriculture Technology and Environment, Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 35-44




Induction of Genetic Variability in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) With sodium azide

Aliyu R.E., Aliyu, A. & Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: FUW Trends In Science and Technology Journal, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 96-100




Effect of potash and onion on the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of cooked brown eyed cowpea

Abdulazeez, R., Akhadelor, M.O., Danazumi, I.B., Aliyu, A., Bayero, U. & Auta, J.
Journal Published at: Federal university, Dutsin ma Journal of Science,, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 381-386




Enhancing cowpea production through breeding efforts for aphid (Aphis crassivora koch) resistance: a review

Aliyu, A., Ishiyaku, M.F., Offei, S.K. Isaac Kolo Asante, John Saviour Yaw Eleblu & Ramatu Enehezeyi Aliyu
Journal Published at: Euphytica, Volume: 219, Number: 1, Range: 1-19



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