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  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Plant Genetics

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Plant Genetics

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    Genetic Society of Nigeria

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    Botanical Society of Nigeria

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The role of biotechnology in the conservation of plant genetic resources: A review

Aliyu, R.E and Adesoye A.I
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics. Publishers: BEST Journals, BUK, Kano., Volume: 14, Number: 2, Range: 153-157




Phenotypic variability of false sesame (Ceratothca sesamoides Endl.) treated with sodium azide.

Aliyu, R.E., Aliyu, A and Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: FULafia Journal of Science and Technology, 2(2): 57-62. Publishers: Federal University Lafia, Nasarawa., Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 57-62




Growth of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) embryos in vitro under photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic conditions

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research, Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna., Volume: 7, Number: 2, Range: 235-242




Submergence Tolerance in some rice (Oryza species) genotypes.

vi. Azeez, W.A., Aliyu, R.E and Dangora, D.B
Journal Published at: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education. Publisher: JOSTMED, Minna., Volume: 12, Number: 3, Range: 31-39




Effect of oil spill discharge from Kaduna refining petrochemical company (KRPC) on vegetable (Solanum melongena and Solanum lycopercicum) farms along Ungwan Romi River, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 8:73-78. Publishers: Benue State University, Markurdi., Volume: 8, Number: 1, Range: 73-78




Mutagenic effects of urea and colchicine on two rice landraces (Farrar jollof and Yar Zamfara) at M1 generation

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education, Publisher: JOSTMED, Minna, Volume: 12, Number: 2, Range: 2-9




Effects of varying salt stress levels on plant height and root development of improved rice genotypes at seedling stage

Aliyu, R.E and Famoroti S.T
Journal Published at: Journal of Science and Environment, Taraba State University, Taraba., Volume: 3, Number: 2, Range: 30-35




Response of some Oryza glaberrima genotypes to flash flooding. Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Publishers: Federal University of Technology, Minna., Volume: 7, Number: 1, Range: 29-32




Effects of salt stress on the reproductive stage of Oryza (Rice) species.

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, Publishers: NJSR. ABU, Zaria., Volume: 15, Number: 2, Range: 329-336




Response of some vegetative growth parameters in genotypes of three rice species to salt induced at seedling growth stage.

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research, Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna., Volume: 7, Number: 2, Range: 259-273




Salt tolerance in some African rice (Oryza glaberrima Steudel) genotypes. Journal of Science,

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Technology, Mathematics and Education. Publisher: JOSTMED, Minna., Volume: 12, Number: 3, Range: 2-9




Establishing nutrient efficient hydroponic protocol for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) evaluations at seedling stage

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Journal of Science and Environment, Publishers; Mambilla journals, Taraba., Volume: 3, Number: 2, Range: 13-19




Differential response and recovery patterns of Oryza sativa, Oryza glaberrima and Nerica genotypes to flash flooding

Azeez, W.A., Aliyu, R.E and Dangora, D.B
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, 15 (2): 329-336. Publishers: NJSR. Faculty of Science, ABU, Zaria, Volume: 15, Number: 2, Range: 329-336




Comparative studies on DNA extraction protocols for rice (Oryza species)

Aliyu, R.E., Wasiu, A.A. And Adamu, A.K
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research. Publishers: NJSR. ABU, Zaria., Volume: 16, Number: 1, Range: 6-10




Effects of chemical mutagens on DNA polymorphism in Solanum tuberosum L

Akor, D.A, Adamu, A.K, Adelanwa, M.A, Aliyu, R.E, Usman, A. and Odeje, C.S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research. Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Volume: 8, Number: 2, Range: 117-130




Effects of colchicine on some agro-morphorlogical traits of Phaseolus lunatus (Linn.) at M1 and M2 Generation

Ikani, V. O, Adelanwa, M.A and Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research. Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna., Volume: 8, Number: 1, Range: 95-100




Mutagenic effects of fast neutron irradiation on some growth and yield parameters at M1 and M2 of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus Linn.).

Ikani, V. O, Adelanwa, M.A and Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research. Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Volume: 8, Number: 1, Range: 142-150




Effect of sodium azide on genocytotoxicity in Solanum tuberosum L

Akor, D.A, Adamu, A.K, Adelanwa, M.A, Aliyu, R.E, Usman, A. and Odeje, C.S.
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences. Publisher: JTB, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: 76-87




Assessemrnt of Geno Cytotoxicity effects of diethylsulphate on irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L

Akor, D.A, Adamu, A.K, Adelanwa, M.A, Aliyu, R.E, Usman, A. and Odeje, C.S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Applied Biological Research. Publisher: IJABR, Federal University of Technology, Minna., Volume: 10, Number: 1, Range: 8-24




Aphicidal efficacy of aqueous neem seed extract against aphids (Myzus persicae SULZER) infestation on sweet pepper(Capsicum annum L.)

Lawal, F and Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science and Technology Journal, 2(1A):60-64. Publishers: FTSTjournal, Federal University, Wukari., Volume: 1, Number: 1A, Range: 60-64




Morphogenetic improvement of false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.) Induced by fast neutron irradiation

Aliyu, R.E, Aliyu A and Adamu A.K.
Journal Published at: African journal of Agricuture, Technology and Environment. Publishers: University of Port Harcourt, Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 35-44




Inducing phenotypic variants in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) with fast neutron irradiation.

Aliyu, R.E., Aliyu, A and Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: Journal of Research on Forestry, Wildlife and Environment. Publisher: JFEWR, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 52-60




Phenotypic effect of Sodium azide on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.).

Aliyu, A., Aliyu, R.E, and Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Bioscience. Publisher: JTB, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: 49-58




Genetic variability induced by sodum azde and fast neutron in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.) using RAPD Marker

Aliyu, R.E., Aliyu, A and Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Bioscience. Publisher: JTB, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: 28-34




Chlorophyll content and stabiity index of rice (Oryza species) genotypes subjected to submergence stress

Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education, 13(2). 2-9. Publisher: JOSTMED, Minna., Volume: 13, Number: 2, Range: 2-9




Induction of genetic variability in sesame (Sesamum indicum l.) With sodium azide

Aliyu, R.E, Aliyu A and Adamu A.K
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science and Technology Journal. Publishers: FTSTjournal, Federal University, Wukari, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 964-968




Effects of diethylsulphate and sodium azide on quantitative traits of Solanum tuberosum L.

Akor, D.A, Adamu, A.K, Adelanwa, M.A, Aliyu, R.E, Usman, A. and Odeje, C.S.
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences. 12: 114-121. Publisher: JTB, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: 114-121




Morphological Responses of Rice Landraces in Nigeria Savanna Zones to Flash Flooding and Deep Water Submergence.

Indabo, S. S., Aliyu, R. E., Adamu, A. K. and Muhammad, H. U
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science and Technology Journal, 5(2): 364-370., Volume: 5, Number: 2, Range: 364-370




). Genetic Variability and correlation of Agronomic Traits in Rice Landraces Subjected to Flash Flooding at Seedling Stage

Indabo, S. S., Aliyu, R. E., Adamu, A. K. and Muhammad, H. U
Journal Published at: Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS), Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 182-190




Genetic variability and correlation of agronomic traits of rice landraces from savannah zones of Nigeria

Muhammad, H. U., Aliyu, R. E., Adamu, A. K., Shehu D.M and Indabo, S. S. (2020)
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, Volume: 19, Number: 3, Range: 169-175




Genetic variability and correlation of agronomic traits of rice landraces from savannah zones of Nigeria

Muhammad, H. U., Aliyu, R. E., Adamu, A. K., Shehu D.M and Indabo, S. S.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, 19 (3): 169-175. Publishers: NJSR. ABU, Zaria, Volume: 19, Number: 3, Range: 169-175




Assessment of Genetic Variability among Yield Related Traits in Some Local Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Cultivars in Nigeria

Usman, M. H., Enehezeyi, A. R., Kasim, A. A., Dalhatu, S., Sulaiman, I. S., & Kayode, S. S.
Journal Published at: The Bioscientist Journal, Volume: 10, Number: 2, Range: 123-131




Enhancing cowpea production through breeding efforts for aphid (aphis crassivora koch) resistance: a review

Aliyu, A, Ishiyaku M. F, Offei, S.K, Asante, I.K, Eleblu J.S.Y& Aliyu, R.E
Journal Published at: Euphytica. publishers: Springer Journal, Volume: 219, Number: 1, Range: 19




Population Specificity of Tagged ‘Saltol’ Markers in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

Aliyu R.E. and Adamu, A.K
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Genetics, Volume: 37, Number: 2, Range: 194-199




Variability in Tolerance to Low Soil Phosphorus among Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Landraces from Northern Nigeria

Ahmed, H.O., Aliyu, A., Indabo S.S., Muhammad, H.U., Sakariyahu, S.K., Adamu , A.K.. and Aliyu, R.E.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences., Volume: 32, Number: 2, Range: 1-12




Influence of Temperature Regimes on Drought stress Tolerance of Cowpea Genotypes in Northern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria

Indabo, S. S. , Muhammad, H. U, Aliyu, A., Sakariyahu, S. K., Ahmed, H. O. and Aliyu, R. E
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics, Volume: 20, Number: 3, Range: 27-38




Cowpea landraces in northern Nigeria: overview of seedling drought tolerance.

Sakariyahu, S. K., Indabo, S. S., Aliyu, A., Muhammad, H. U., Ahmed, H. O., Mohammed, S. B., Adamu, A. K. and Aliyu, R. E
Journal Published at: Springer- Biologia, Volume:, Range: 1-12




Tagging and Validation of SSR markers to Salinity Tolerance QTLs in Rice (Oryza spp)

i. Aliyu R, Adamu AK, Muazu S, Alonge SO, Gregorio GB
Conference Published at: International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry, IPCBEE, IACSIT press, Singapore, Volume: 1, Range: 328-332




Seasonal Variations is Complicit to Drought Tolerance in Cowpea Landraces

Indabo, S. S., Muhammad, H. U., Aliyu, A., Sakariyahu, S. K., Ahmed H.O and Aliyu, R. E
Conference Published at: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Genetic Society of Nigeria, Volume: 1, Range: 64-67




Studies of Mistletoe Presence on Five Tree Species of Samaru Area, Nigeria

TT Dlama, AS Oluwagbemileke, AR Enehezeyi
Book Published at: Recent Progress in Plant and Soil Research, Volume: 1, Range: 74-82



Aliyu R E.

Local Organised by: 16th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of Benin, Nigeria. , Start date: 2007-03-11, End date: 2007-03-15

Adesoye A.I and Aliyu R E.

Local Organised by: 16th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of Benin, and Nigeria , Start date: 2007-03-11, End date: 2007-03-15

iv. Aliyu R. E and Mustapha Jimoh

Local Organised by: 17th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of Uyo, Nigeria , Start date: 2008-03-16, End date: 2008-03-20

Wasiu A. A1, Famoroti S. T1, Ademola J. O1, Adamu A.K and Aliyu R.E.

Local Organised by: 1st World Science Conference, Portharcourt , Start date: 2010-02-09, End date: 2010-02-12

Aliyu R.E, Ademola J. O, Wasiu A. A, Dangora D.B, and Adamu A.K.

Local Organised by: 21thAnnual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of IFE, Nigeria , Start date: 2012-06-03, End date: 2012-06-07

Aliyu R.E, Aliyu A, Adamu, A.K

Local Organised by: 22nd Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of University of Nigeria, Nnsuka, Enugu State , Start date: 2014-05-25, End date: 2014-05-29

Aliyu R.E, Ibigbemi S.S, Azeez W A, Adamu A.K and Zainab, O; Adamu, A. K, Aliyu R.E, Azeez W A, Musa H, and Abba G.J.

Local Organised by: 23rd Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of Lagos, Nigeria , Start date: 2015-08-16, End date: 2015-08-20

Aliyu R.E, Sakariyahu S. K, Ameh G and Adamu A.K

Local Organised by: Capacity Building workshop for young (Early career) women in academics in Nigeria In collaboration with Nigerian Young academy and Nigerian academy of science, sponsored by the US consulate, Lagos , Start date: 2016-06-12, End date: 2016-06-16

xiv. Aliyu R. E, Sakariyahu S.K. and Abdullahi J.J

Local Organised by: 26th Annual Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) Conference EKSU Ekiti, , Start date: 2018-08-12, End date: 2018-08-16

Adamu, A. K, Aliyu R.E, Azeez W A, Musa H, and Abba G.J.

Local Organised by: 23rd Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), University of Lagos, Nigeria , Start date: 2018-08-16, End date: 2018-08-20

xvi. Aliyu Ramatu Enehezeyi, Indabo Sadam Sulaiman, Adamu Abu Kassim, Muhammad Hadiza Usman and Sakariyahu Solihu Kayode

Local Organised by: . 27TH Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), FUD, Nigeria , Start date: 2019-09-21, End date: 2019-09-25

Indabo, S.S., Aliyu, R.E., Adamu, A.K., Muhammad, H.U. and Aliyu, A.

Local Organised by: 44th Genetic Society of Nigeria Conference, University of Lagos , Start date: 0001-10-18, End date: 2019-10-22

Ramatu E. A , Solihu K. S, Sadam S. I, Hadiza U. M, Aliyu A, Hauwa O. A, Saba B. M and Abu – Kasim A

Local Organised by: 34th Annual Conference of the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN), Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State , Start date: 2023-03-13, End date: 2023-03-16

Indabo, S. S., Muhammad, H. U., Aliyu, A., Sakariyahu, S. K., Ahmed H.O and Aliyu, R. E

Local Organised by: 45th Annual Conference of the Genetic Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2023-03-26, End date: 2023-03-29

Muhammad, H.U., Aliyu, R.E., Sakariyahu, S.K., Indabo, S.S., Aminu, A., Ahmed, H.O. and Adamu, A.K

Local Organised by: 29th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

Aminu, A., Aliyu, R.E., Ahmed, H.O, Sakariyahu, S.K., Indabo, S.S., Muhammad, H.U., Mohammed, S.B and Adamu, A.K

Local Organised by: 29th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

xxii. Ahmed, H.O., Aliyu, R.E., Mohammed, S.B., Muhammad, H.U., Aliyu, A., Sakariyahu, S.K. and Indabo, S.S.

Local Organised by: 29th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

Aliyu R. E

International Organised by: ii. 1st International conference on Scientific and Industrial Studies. University of Uyo, Nigeria , Start date: 2007-03-13, End date: 2007-03-16

v. Aliyu R.E and Adesoye A.I.

International Organised by: 1st IARSAF International Conference, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. , Start date: 2009-03-17, End date: 2009-03-20

Aliyu R.E., Adamu A.K., Mu’azu S., Alonge S.O., and Gregorio G.B.

International Organised by: International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2010). Hong Kong, China , Start date: 2010-12-28, End date: 2010-12-30

Aliyu R.E., Adamu A.K., Mu’azu S., Alonge S.O., and Gregorio G.B.

International Organised by: World Congress on Biotechnology, Hyderabad, India , Start date: 2012-05-04, End date: 2012-04-06

xv. Aliyu R. E, Sakariyahu S.K. and Jubril A.K

International Organised by: 22nd IARSAF symposium held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria , Start date: 2019-05-20, End date: 2019-05-24

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