Educational Qualifications

  • Primary Education

    Therbow primary school Zaria

  • Secondary Education

    Therbow Secondary School

  • Botany

    Bayero University, Kano

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Professional Bodies Membership

  • Permanent

    Mycological society of Nigeria (MYCOSON)

  • Permanent

    Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON)

  • Permanent

    Science Association of Nigeria (SAN)

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The effect of methanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera (Lam) on fungi isolated from five selected varieties of Sorghum bicolor L.

Danazumi, I.B., Khan, A.U., Dangora, D.B. and Isah, Y.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Current Science, Volume: 15, Range: 6-11




Isolation and identification of fungi species associated with postharvest rot of tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Polycarp, G.A., Khan, A.U., Itua, A.M. and Danazumi, I.B.
Journal Published at: Intrenational Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Volume: 4, Number: 4, Range: 37-44




Seedborne fungi isolated from five selected varieties of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

Danazumi, I.B., Khan, A.U., Dangora, D.B. and Polycarp, G.A.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Current Science, Volume: 17, Range: 43-49




Impact of crude oil on physicochemical properties and trace metals of soil before and after planting of two pepper species (Capsicum annum L. and C. frutescens L.).

Ohanmu, E.O., Igiebor, F.A., Bako. S.P. and Danazumi, I.B.
Journal Published at: University of Port Hacourt Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management., Volume: 22, Number: 5, Range: 765-768




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with fermented cow milk sold in samaru market, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Danazumi, I.B., Umar, J., Abdullahi, H.J., Abdullahi, R.I. and Isah, A.
Journal Published at: Federal University Wukari Trends in Science and Technology Journal, Volume: 5, Number: 2, Range: 633-636




Antifungal and phytochemical constituents of aqueous leaves extract of Hyptis spicigera Lam. on Aspergillus and Fusarium species.

Adamu, K., Adamu, F.U., Ibrahim, R., Rabilu, S.A., Abdu, A. and Danazumi, I.B.
Journal Published at: Federal University Wukari Trends in Science and Technology Journal, Volume: 5, Number: 2, Range: 520-524




Effect of potash and onion on the nutritional and anti- nutritional composition of cooked brown eyed cowpea

Abdulazeez,R., Akhadelor, M.O., Danazumi, I.B., Aliyu, A., Bayero, U. and Auta, J.
Journal Published at: Federal University Dutsin -ma Journal of Science, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 381-386




Phytochemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of various concentrations of ethanolic extract of different plant parts of Ocimum gratissimum (L.)

Musa, H., Itua, M.T., Dauda, W.P. and Danazumi, I.B. (2023)
Journal Published at: Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University, International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 1-10




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with stored cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) seeds in Mashi and Maiaddua markets, Katsina state, Nigeria

Danazumi, I.B., Bashir, I., Itua, M.T. and Musa, H.
Journal Published at: Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University,International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 162-174




Fungi species isolated from seeds of a selected landrace of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) sold in sabon gari market, Kaduna state, Nigeria

Danazumi, I.B., Adamu, A.K., Musa, A.O.,Zarafi, A.B. and Dangora, D.B.
Journal Published at: Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University, International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 202-210




Stomatal and trichomes diversity among senna species from Zaria northern guinea savannah, Nigeria

Namadi, S., Adelanwa, M.A., Abubakar, B.Y., Musa, A.O. and Danazumi, I.B.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract,




Antifungal activity of Moringa oleifera (Lam) seed methanol extract on fungi isolated from grains of selected Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties)

Danazumi, I.B., Musa, H., Ladan, M.A., Aliyu, A., Mijinyawa, A. and Isah, A.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 4




Isolation and identification of rhizosphere fungi associated with Azadirachta indica (A.Juss), Delonix regia (Raf), Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

Danazumi, I.B., Abdullahi, S., Aminu, Z.J., Abdullahi, H.J., Ibrahim, H. and Sahilu, R.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 5




Biodiversity of fungi inducing leaf spot diseases on wild plants and weeds.

Ibrahim, H., Dangora, D.B., Danazumi, I.B. and Khan, A.U.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 9




The effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam) stem bark extract on fungi isolated from the grains of selected Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench varieties.)

Ladan, M.A., Danazumi, I.B., Musa, H., Nura, S., Sunusi, N., Edokpolor, E.O. and Abdullahi, R.I.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 11




Cochicine-induced genetic variations in M2 generations of two Soya bean (Glycine max L. Merill) varieties

Aliyu, A., Aliyu, R.E., Danazumi, I.B., Indabo,S.S. and Mijinyawa, A.
Conference Published at: ABU SPGS Book of Abstract, Number: 13,




Assessment of some physicochemical parameters of water used for irrigation in Bomo and Galma villages, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Abdullahi, R.I., Nafiu, M.I., Lawal, N., Yaya, A.A. and Danazumi, I.B.
Conference Published at: ABU SPGS Book of Abstract, Number: 22,




Investigations on the combined effect of some heavy metal compounds on the mycelial growth and sporulation of Trichoderma longibrachiatum

Abdullahi, H.J., Danazumi, I.B. and Musa, H.
Conference Published at: ABU SPGS Book of Abstract, Number: 14,




Phenotypic effect of fast neutron on Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and false Sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides ENDL.)

Aliyu, A., Mijinyawa, A., Aliyu, R.E., Danazumi, I.B. and Indabo, S.S.
Conference Published at: Genetic Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Number: 26,




Assessment of the role of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) extracts as alternative DNA stain for gel electrophoresis

Abdullahi, R.I., Bulus, T., Abdulsalami, M.S., Yahaya, U., Danazumi, I.B., Aliyu, A. and Nura, S.
Conference Published at: Genetic Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 7




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with the seeds of selected maize (Zea may L.) varieties

Danazumi, I.B., Muhammad, I.S., Ladan, M.A., Abdullahi, H.J. and Namadi, S.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 54




Toxigenic fungi associated with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L walp.) seeds in northern Bauchi State, Nigeria

Ladan, M.A., Danazumi, I.B. and Ibrahim, H.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 49




Potentials of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) ethanolic extract as alternative counter stain in grams reaction

Abdullahi, R.I., Danazumi, I.B. and Nura, S. (2019)
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 123




Binding ability of thin layer fraction of methanolic extract of Curcuma longa (L.) on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Abdullahi, R.I., Nafiu, M.I., Aliyu, A., Lawal, N. and Danazumi, I.B.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 151




Assessment of Vitamin B1(Thiamine) in some legumes (Cowpea and Groundnut) varieties in sabon gari local government area, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Abdullahi, H.J., Tata, T.M., Danazumi, I.B. and Ladan, M.A.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 35




Investigating the influence of some physicochemical parameters on the occurrence of soil fungi in cultivated land around Kaduna metropolis

Abdullahi, H.J., Isah, A.A., Danazumi, I.B. and Ghankon, J.
Conference Published at: Nigerian Society for plant protection Book of Abstract, Range: 25




Mycobiota associated with post- harvest rot of yam (Dioscorea rotundata poir) sold in kuta market, Niger state, Nigeria

Danazumi, I.B., Chiri, F.U., Abdullahi, H.J., Bayero, U., Isah, A. and Sambo, G.Y.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 15




Occurrence and identification of some macro fungi found growing wild in Zaria and its environs

Musa, H., Bitrus, W.B., Danazumi, I.B., Ladan, M.A., Dauda, W.P. and Silas, M.D.
Conference Published at: Mycological Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 33




Mycobiota associated with selected land races of maize (Zea mays L.) seeds sold in Kuturu market, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Danazumi, I.B., Yusuf, P., Abdullahi, H.J., Isah, A., Bayero, U. and Aliyu, A.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 45




Characterisation of fungi species isolated from selected varieties of sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds stored in institute for agricultural research Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria)

Danazumi, I.B., Adamu, A.K., Musa, A.O., Zarafi, A.B. and Dangora, D.B.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 47




Biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma species against Fusarium oxysporum (schlecht) isolated from selected tomato fields in Funtua local government area, Katsina State, Nigeria

Abdullahi, H., Danazumi, I.B. and Abdulsalam, F. (2023)
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 36




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) leaves and fruits from Danja local government area, Katsina State, Nigeria

Abdullahi, H.J., Danazumi, I.B. and Eze, P.I.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 45




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with selected varieties of Onion (Allium cepa L.) sold at samaru market, Zaria, Nigeria

Bayero, U., Mohammed, A.N., Adesakin, T.A., Aliyu, R.A., Danazumi, I.B. and Kingsley, C.O.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 51




Harvest time and concentration dependence of Saliva officinalis L. aqueous extract against Botrytis cinerea

Rabilu, S.A., Danazumi, I.B., Abdu, A., Isah, A., Ayemang, E.D. and Farkas, B.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 89




Identification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp) genotypes using chemical methods

Isah, A., Manzuma, A.A., Danazumi, I.B., Aliyu, A. and Mijinyawa, A.
Conference Published at: Botanical Society of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 133




Isolation and identification of fungi associated with stored cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) seeds in Mashi and Maiaduwa markets, Katsina State, Nigeria)seeds

Danazumi, I.B., Bashir, I.N., Aliyu, R.E. and Dangora, D.B.
Conference Published at: Science Association of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 130




Artificial germination of improved varieties of maize (Zea may L.) for root architecture

Saidu, H.M., Danazumi, I.B., Saba, N.B. and Iortsuun, D.N.
Conference Published at: Science Association of Nigeria Book of Abstract, Range: 11



26th Annual Conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, , Start date: 2018-08-13, End date: 2018-08-16

10th Annual conference of mycological society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2018-10-07, End date: 2018-10-11

2nd ABU SPGS, Biennial international Conference

Local Organised by: School of Postgraduate studies, ABU, Zaria , Start date: 2018-10-22, End date: 2018-10-25

42nd National Annual Conference of Genetic Society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna , Start date: 2018-12-09, End date: 2018-12-13

27th Annual Conference of Botanical Society of NIgeria

Local Organised by: Federal University Dutse , Start date: 2019-09-08, End date: 2019-09-13

11th Annual Conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Rivers State University, Port Harcourt , Start date: 2019-10-06, End date: 2019-10-09

45th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection

Local Organised by: University of Uyo, Akwa- Ibom , Start date: 2020-03-15, End date: 2020-03-19

29th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

55th Annual Conference of Science Association of Nigeria and Scientific Fair

Local Organised by: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2023-07-02, End date: 2023-07-06

12th Annual Conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Federal University of Technology, Akure , Start date: 2023-10-24, End date: 2023-10-27

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