Educational Qualifications

  • Primary School Leaving Certificate

    Prestige International School Kaduna

  • Senior Secondary School Certificate

    Betty Queen International School Kaduna

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University

  • Ecology and Natural Resources

    Universidade Federal de São Carlos

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Toxicity of atrazine to Scenedesmus quadricauda under different nitrogen concentrations

Chia, A.M., Dauda, S., Jibril, T.Z.
Journal Published at: Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume: 75, Number: 960,




Toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck (Beijerinck) 1890 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) under changing nitrogen conditions

Dauda, S., Chia A.M., Bako, S.P.
Journal Published at: Aquatic Toxicology, Volume: 187, Range: 108-114




The morphological and physiological responses of Scenedesmus quadricauda to atrazine are influenced by phosphorus conditions

Chia A.M., Mahmud K., Dauda, S.
Journal Published at: African Journal of Phycology, Volume: 1, Range: 13-22




Combined nanoTiO2 and nitrogen effects on phytoplankton: a mesocosm approach

Dauda, S., Gabriel, A.M., Idris, O.F., Chia, A.M.
Journal Published at: Journal of Applied Phycology, Volume: 32, Range: 3123–3132




Susceptibility of phytoplankton to the increasing presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in the aquatic environment: A review

Chia MA, Lorenzi AS, Ameh I, Dauda S., Cordeiro-Araújo MK, Agee JT, Okpanachi IY, Adesalu AT
Journal Published at: Aquatic Toxicology, Volume: 234, Number: 105809,




Environmentally relevant copper concentrations stimulate photosynthesis in Monoraphidium sp.

Dauda, S., Lomardi, A.T.
Journal Published at: Photosynthesis Research, Volume: 155, Range: 49–58




Nitrogen forms and concentration influence the impact of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the biomass and antioxidant enzyme activities of Microcystis aeruginosa

Samuel, S.A., Chia, M.A., Yusufu, W.N., Dauda, S., Japhet, W.S., Habila, J.D.
Journal Published at: Archives of Microbiology, Volume: 205, Number: 177,



2nd African annual training workshop on algae of the Phycological society of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Phycological Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2014-04-27, End date: 2014-04-30

22nd Annual Botanical Society of Nigeria Conference at the University of Nigeria

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2014-06-26, End date: 2014-06-28

23rd Annual Botanical Society of Nigeria Conference at the University of Lagos

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2015-08-16, End date: 2015-08-20

24th Annual Botanical Society of Nigeria Conference at the University of Ibadan

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2016-08-14, End date: 2016-08-18

Phycological Society of Nigeria Annual Conference at the University of Lagos

Local Organised by: Phycological Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2019-10-13, End date: 2019-10-17

29th Annual Botanical Society of Nigeria Conference

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

7th Redealgas conference

International Organised by: Rede Nacional em Biotecnologia de Macroalgas Marinhas , Start date: 2019-11-17, End date: 2019-11-20

10th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts

International Organised by: Elsevier Limited , Start date: 2021-06-14, End date: 2021-06-16

14th SETAC Latin America Biennial Conference

International Organised by: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry , Start date: 2021-09-26, End date: 2021-09-29

Undergraduate Teaching

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