Educational Qualifications

  • West African Examination Council

    Government Collage Makurdi

  • Banking and Finance

    University of Jos

  • Public Administration

    University of Jos

  • Economiics

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Workshop on Teaching, a Tool for Productivity Career Enrichment and Performance Evaluation for Achieving Professionalism.

    Samphil and Associates in Collaboration with Plateau State Teachers Service Commission Jos

  • Workshop on Sustaining Democratic Government

    Dema Wholistic Consulting

  • Economiics

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Training Workshop on Methodology and Reseach

    Nigerian Economic Society, University of Ibadan

  • Data Analysis

    University of Leeds/ABUCONS, Zaria

  • Basic CGE Modeling Training, PEP School

    Universite Laval in Collaboration with University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Training

    National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeriav

  • Participation on Functional Training Programme on E- Learning and Courseware Development

    EduTech in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in Zaria.

  • Training of Trainers Workshop on the Teaching of Entrepreneurship (ENS 202 and 301)

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Organised by International Centre of Excellence for Rural Finance and Entrepreneurship, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in Zaria

  • Economiics

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Professional Bodies Membership

  • Member

    Nigeria Economic Society

  • Member

    Chartered Institute of Treasury Managers of Nigeria

  • Member

    All Farmers Association of Nigeria

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The Impact of the new International Banking Standard on the Nigerian Economy, In Zaria Journal of Social Sciences.

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: Faculty of Social Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 1, Number: 2, Range: Pp 145-161




Socio-Economic Determinants of Small-Scale Cassava Farmers’ Loan Size in Nasarawa State of Nigeria: In the Zaria Sociological Journal, (ZASOJO).

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: A Journal of the Department of Sociology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria., Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: Pp 221-234




Facilitating access to Finance by Industrial Design Firms in Nigeria: A Bank Credit Guarantee Scheme Approach.

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: In Journal of Industrial Design, Department of Industrial Design, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria., Volume: 1, Number: 2, Range: Pp. 10-20.




Capitalization, Regulation and Risk-Taking in Nigerian Commercial Banks. An Exposition using three major Banks in the Country: In Jalingo Economic and Business Review (JEBUR)

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: Journal of the Department of Economics, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria., Volume: 2, Number: 1, Range: Pp. 113-120




Politics, Stages of Development and the Future of Nigeria: In Yobe Journal of Economics (YOJE)

Aku, E. M. and H. Yau
Journal Published at: a biannual Publication of the Department of Economics, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria., Volume: 4, Number: 2, Range: Pp 222-244




Financial Squeeze and Local Government Councils in Nigeria: Sustaining Democracy at the Grassroots. In African Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Aku, E. M. and B. Dingba
Journal Published at: A bi-annual Publication of the College of Management and Social Sciences, Kwararafa University, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria., Volume: 6, Number: 2, Range: 62




Impact of Financial Inclusion on Small Scale Cassava Farmers in Nasarawa State, Nigeria: In Yobe Journal of Economics (YOJE)

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: a biannual Publication of the Department of Economics, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria., Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: 51




The Political Economy of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Treaties: A Reflection of Kyoto Protocol. In Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social Sciences.

Bawuro, M. T. and E. M. Aku
Journal Published at: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri., Volume: 2, Number: 1, Range: Pp. 97-108.




Effect of Credit Rationing on Production Efficiency of Farm Households in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.

Aku, E. M. and B. M. Toungo
Journal Published at: In African Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities. A bi-annual Publication of the College of Management and Social Sciences, Kwararafa University, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria., Volume: 10, Number: 1, Range: 101




Effect of Social-Cultural Values on the Growth of Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.

Aku, E. M.
Journal Published at: In ATRAS, An Academic Multilingual Journal. Access https’://atras-univ-saida-dz/en/2page-id=545#, Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: Pp 55-71




Assessment of Environmental Management Measures and Practices in Solid Waste Management in Nigeria: A case for Jos and Bukuru in Plateau State, Nigeria.

Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: Being a paper presented at the 1st Regional and Techno-Socio-Economic Impact of Crude oil Exploration in the Niger-Delta. Organised by the Africa Research Institute, a Subsidiary of African Research Laboratories, in collaboration with the centre for Resea, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Analysis of Agriculture Based Development strategy for North Central Region of Nigeria: A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Approach.

Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: Being a paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Stock Market, Foreign Exchange Rates Convergence in Nigeria: Empirical Assessment Based on an Application of the ARDL Model

Auwal, U. and Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: Being a Paper Presented at the 7th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Work for People. Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustain, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Local Councils and Financial Squeeze in Nigeria: Sustaining Democracy at the Grassroots

Aku, E. M. and U. Auwal
Conference Published at: Being a Paper Presented at the 7th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Work for People. Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustain, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Corruption, Poverty and Economic Development of Nigeria: A Theoretical Approach

Audu, I. and Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: Being a Paper Presented at the International Conference with the Theme: Corruption, Security and National Development Organised by the Faculty of Social Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Financial Inclusion and the Performance of Small-Scale Cassava Farmers’ in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Aku, E. M. and U. Auwal
Conference Published at: Being a Paper Presented at the 8th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Challenges and Prospects of Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Planetary Boundaries. Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Socio-Cultural Values and the Growth of Entrepreneurship in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: Being paper presented at the National Conference with the theme: Towards the structural Transformation and Economic Development of Nigeria organized by the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 11




Evolution of Money from Commodity Money to e-money in Nigeria

Aku, E. M.
Conference Published at: A Brief Search through Settlement and Payment System: Being a Paper presented at the International Conference of the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Digital Currencies in an open Economy: Prospects and Challenges, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Interbank Settlement arrangements and Central Banks’ Role in the Payment System: A Historical Examination

Aku, E. M. and H. M. Yau
Conference Published at: A Brief Search on Settlement and Payment System: Being a Paper presented at the International Conference of the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Digital Currencies in an open Economy: Prospects and Challenges, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Digital Economy and the Central Bank Digital Currency: Implications for the African Continental free trade area (AFCTA) for Cross-Border Payments

Yau, H. M. and E. M. Aku
Conference Published at: Being a Paper presented at the International Conference of the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Digital Currencies in an open Economy: Prospects and Challenges, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1




Spiritual Power and the Challenges of National Security in Nigeria.

Aku, E. M, Bawuro, M. T
Conference Published at: Being a Paper presented at the International Conference of the Department of Mass Communication, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Communication, Insecurity and Development: Issues, Challenges and way forward, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1



50th Anniversary National Conference with the theme: Towards the Structural Transformation and Economic Development of Nigeria

Local Organised by: organized by the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria , Start date: 2019-02-05, End date: 2019-02-08

The 7th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Making the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGSs) Work for People in Africa.

International Organised by: Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria from 22nd to 25th August, 2016 in Ibadan, Nigeria. , Start date: 2016-08-22, End date: 2016-08-25

The 8th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Challenges and Prospects of Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Planetary Boundaries.

International Organised by: Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria , Start date: 2017-08-22, End date: 2017-08-24

The 9th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Megatrends that will Shape National and Global Prosperity by 2030.

International Organised by: Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria , Start date: 2018-08-27, End date: 2018-08-30

The 10th Annual Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit with the theme: Building and Sustaining Strategic Partnerships for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

International Organised by: Organised by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria , Start date: 2019-08-19, End date: 2019-08-21

An International Conference of the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Digital Currencies in an open Economy: Prospects and Challenges

International Organised by: Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria , Start date: 2021-11-02, End date: 2021-11-04

Insecurity and Development: Issues, Challenges and way forward

International Organised by: Department of Mass Communications, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria on Communication , Start date: 2024-02-25, End date: 2024-02-28

Undergraduate Teaching

Postgraduate Teaching
