Educational Qualifications

  • FSLC

    L.E.A. Primary School Nok

  • WAEC

    Government Girls Secondary School Kwoi

  • B.Sc. Applied Biology

    Bayero University, Kano

  • M.Sc. Botany

    Bayero University, Kano

  • Diploma in Computer

    Praise Foundation Wusasa

  • ii. Post Graduate Diploma in Education

    National Teachers Institute, Kaduna

  • Training on DNA Recombinant Technology

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Tropical Mycology

    Sommer School on Tropical Mycology, University of Parakou, Benin Republic

  • PhD

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Professional Bodies Membership

  • Member

    Science Teacher Association of Nigeria (STAN)

  • Member

    Mushroom Growers’ Association of Nigeria (MGAN)

  • Member

    HIV/AIDS Volunteer (NGO)

  • Member

    Botanical Society of Nigeria(BOSON)

  • Member

    International Association of Bryophytes (IAB)

  • Secretary General

    Mycological Society of Nigeria(MYCOSON)

  • Member

    Science Association of Nigeria(SAN)

  • Member

    Nigerian Tropical Biology Association (NTBA)

  • Member

    Society for Conservation Biology Africa (SCBA)

  • Member

    Nigerian Society of Microbiology (NSM)

  • Member

    International Tropical Mycology Sommer Association (ITMSA)

  • Member

    Edible Fungi of Tropical Africa (EFTA)

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Comparative phytochemical studies of Ocimum gratissimum and Ocimum basilicum (LAM).

Musa, H; Lawan, S.A and Mete, G.S.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics (BEST), A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano., Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: 665-669




Utilization of wheat straw and some additives for mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus (florida)

Musa, H.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics. A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria., Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: 136-140




Assessment of Mycelia and spawn production performance of some grain cereals in Zaria, Northern Nigeria

Musa, H., Babangida, D. and Adebayo, C.O.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics. A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria., Volume: 8, Number: 3, Range: 77-79




Collection, Identification and Preservation of Mushrooms growing wild in Kaduna and environs.

Tahir, S.M., Musa, H., Ibrahim, H. and Aminu, S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Bio tropic Research (BRIJ). A Biotropic research publication., Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 11-15




Secondary metabolites of Ocimum basillicum grown wild in the savannah region of Nigeria.

Musa, H., Sidi, M.T and Kwagiri, J.S.
Journal Published at: Nigeria Journal of Scientific Research, A Publication of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, Volume: 9&10, Range: 16-20




Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of some species of Tricholomataceae in Zaria, Kaduna State

Ali, B.D., Khan, A.U. and Musa, H.
Journal Published at: Nigeria. Journal of Biological Science and Bioconservation. Cenresin publications., Volume: 4, Range: 13-25




Effect of Metal construction activities on the Heavy Metal Burden on Zea mays, Hibiscus esculentum and Spinacea oleracea planted at Dakache, Nigeria

Yashim, Z.I., Omoniyi, K.I. and Musa, H
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Journal for the Tropics (BEST). A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Kano., Volume: 11, Number: 2, Range: 14-18




A study of the Uptake of Heavy Metals by plants near Metal-Scrap Dump site in Zaria, Nigeria.

Zakka Israila Yashim, Omoniyi Kehinde Israel and Musa Hannatu
Journal Published at: Journal of Applied Chemistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. http//, Volume: 2014, Range: 1-5




Effect of Wheat straw and Cotton waste as substrates in the production of edible Mushrooms.

Musa, H; Wuyep, P and Ali B.D.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. A Publication of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology., Volume: 28, Range: 2804-2811




Cytological studies on the Agaric Termitomycetes striatus (Heim) found growing wild in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and its environs.

H. Musa; B. D. Ali and Sule, V.
Journal Published at: Journal of Agriculture and Ecology, JOGAE Publication., Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 17 –25




Effect of Density and Hunger on the spatial distribution and pit construction behaviour of the Antlion larvae (Myrmeleon spp.)

Suleiman, K; Sidi, M.T. and Musa, H.
Journal Published at: Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (BAJOPAS) . A Publication of the Faculty of Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria., Volume: 8, Number: 4, Range: 24-28




).Comparative studies of the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus on some agricultural waste.

H. Musa; E.A.Thaddeus; Z.I.Yashim and G.S.Mete
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences (JTB), A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria., Volume: 12, Range: 135-142




Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of some Agaricomycetes (Mushroom) Fungi from Kogi State, Central Nigeria

Wuyep Ponchang Apollos; Victoria Ibukun Joshua; Hannatu Dawa Musa; Micah Silas Gyang and Davou Dung Nyam
Journal Published at: International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) , journal of science: basic and applied research., Volume: 35, Number: 2, Range: 276-292




Fungi isolates of some rotten fruits and vegetables collected at the main yankaba market, Kano, Nigeria

H. Musa; G.S.Mete and R.Bashir
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences (JTB) A Publication of the Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria., Volume: 12, Range: 126-134




Phytochemical screening of Ocimum gratissimum grown wild in Zaria, Nigeria

H. Musa; Z.I.Yashim; M.Shehu and G.S.Mete
Journal Published at: Federal University Wukari (FUW), Trends in Science &Technology Journal (FTSTJ),, Volume: 3, Number: 1, Range: 327-329




New report of Amanita species (Amanitaceae, Agaricales) from Northern Nigeria.

Ali, B.D; Musa, H and Yusuf, C.
Journal Published at: Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research (ADSUJSR). Article no. ADSUJSR 0601001. A Publication of Faculty of Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria., Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 1-7




Morphological and Restriction analysis of three species of Agaricus found growing in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

H. Musa; P. A. Wuyep and T. T. Gbem
Journal Published at: Federal University Wukari (FUW) Trends in Science &Technology Journal (FTSTJ),, Volume: 4, Number: 1, Range: 189-195




Studies on use of Cotton waste substrates and some additives for the production of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Florida).

H. Musa and B.D.Ali
Journal Published at: Federal University Wukari (FUW) Trends in Science &Technology Journal (FTSTJ),, Volume: 4, Number: 1, Range: 225-227




Collection and uses of wild edible mushrooms by the rural women in Naka, Gwer West, Benue State, Nigeria

H. Musa; Dauda, WP and Mom, A and Terhemen
Journal Published at: Mushroom Research, Volume: 28, Number: 1, Range: 27-30




A Survey and Collection of Wild Mushrooms in Samaru, Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

Mani, D., Musa, H. and Bitrus B.W
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology., Volume: 11, Range: 85-92




Effect of the Crude juice extract of Gmelina arborea ROXB. on four Candida spp.

Adamu, K., Musa, H., Adelanwa, M.A., Ibrahim, R. and S.A.Rabilu
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology 11:204-209, Volume: 11, Range: 204-209




Phytochemical screening and antifungal activity of Hyptis spicigera Lam on Aspergillus and Fusarium species.

Adamu, K., Musa, H. and Musa, A. O.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences;, Volume: 18, Number: 2, Range: 339




Antifungal activity of ethyl-acetate leaf extract and terpenoid-rich fraction from Hyptis spicigera Lam.

Adamu, K., Musa, H., Musa, A. O. and Mikailu, A. S.
Journal Published at: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research;, Volume: 4, Number: 3, Range: 63-68




Morphology and Taxonomy of Agaricus iodolens grown wild in the Northern Guinea Savanna Region of Nigeria

Musa, H., Bitrus, B.W. and Dauda, W.P
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology., Volume: 12, Number: 2, Range: 140-148




Comparative Study of fungal Biodeteriogens of Ipomea batatas (L) Lam (Sweet Potato) in Field and during in-door Storage Barn.

Sila, M.D., Ogbonna, C.I.C., Nyam, D.D., Wuyep, P.A., Musa, H., Ayannuga, A.J. and Nyam. M. A
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology., Volume: 12, Number: 2, Range: 40-53




Prevalence of Fungal Diseases of some Vegetables Growing in Irrigation Farms at Chiromawa Village, Kano State, Nigeria

Musa, H., Dauda, W.P., Dikko Hassan Awwal., Sila, M. D., Nyam, M.A., Zakari, H. H.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology., Volume: 14, Range: 135-145




Genome-Wide Analysis of Cytochrome P450s of Alternaria species: Evolutionary Origin, Family, Expansion and Putative Functions.

Dauda, W.P., Morumda, D., Abraham, P., Adetunji, C.O., Ghazanfar, S., Glen, E., Abraham, S.E., Peter, G.W., Ogra, I.O., Ifeanyi, U.J and Musa, H.
Journal Published at: Journal of Fungi,, Volume: 8, Number: 4, Range: 324




Robust Profiling of Cytochrome P450s (P450ome) in Notable Aspergillus spp.

Dauda, W.P., Abraham, P., Glen, E., Adetunji, C.O., Ghazanfar, S., Ali, S., Al-Zahrani, M., Azameti, M.K., Alao, S.E.L., Zarafi, A.B., Abraham, M.P and Musa, H
Journal Published at: Life, 2022;, Volume: 12, Number: 3, Range: 451




In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Acetonic and Ethenolic Extracts of a Macrofungus Boletus variipes.

Musa, H., Dauda, W. and Peter, G.W.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJMAS), Volume: 2, Range: 19-28




Antimicrobial Activity of Different Concentrations of Hexane Extract of Balanites aegyptiaca (I.) Delile (Desert Date) Kernel oil.

Musa, H., Bissa Anna and Usman, S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJMAS), Volume: 2, Range: 29-38




Antimicrobial Effect of Hildergardia barteri (MAST) seed oil Extract on some Fungi and Bacteria

Musa, H., Jatto, D.A., eremiah, C., Peter, G.W and Usman, S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJMAS), Volume: 1, Range: 14-18




Occurrence, Identification and Spore Preservation of Dead Wood Macrofungi Found in Jikoko, Abuja, Nigeria.

Musa, H., Bitrus, W. B., Itua, M.T., Ahmed, S.J. and Ella, E.E.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Mycology: (In press)., Volume: 15,



1st Scientific Conference on Mushroom Association of Nigeria (MAN), held at University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Local Organised by: 1st Scientific Conference on Mushroom Association of Nigeria (MAN), held at University of Ibadan, Nigeria , Start date: 2007-11-26, End date: 2007-11-28

10th International Conference of Mycological Society of Nigeria, Organised by the Department of Veterinary Microbiology in collaboration with Departments of Biology, Botany and Microbiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

Local Organised by: Organised by the Department of Veterinary Microbiology in collaboration with Departments of Biology, Botany and Microbiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. , Start date: 2018-10-07, End date: 2018-10-11

29th Annual Conference and General Meeting of Botanical Society of Nigeria, Organised by the Department of Botany, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria in collaboration with Botanical Society of Nigeria.

Local Organised by: Organised by the Department of Botany, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria in collaboration with Botanical Society of Nigeria. , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

1st International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows IITA, Ibadan Nigeria.

International Organised by: International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows IITA , Start date: 2009-03-17, End date: 2009-03-20

5th International Conference on Development Studies University of Abuja F.C.T, Nigeria.

International Organised by: International Conference on Development Studies University of Abuja F.C.T, Nigeria. , Start date: 2010-04-13, End date: 2010-04-16

Rufford Small Grants Country International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation

International Organised by: Rufford Small Grants Country International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation,at Moshi-Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, , Start date: 2017-02-16, End date: 2017-02-17

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