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    Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria

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    Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria

  • Instructional Technology

    Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria

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    Educational Media and Technology Association of Nigeria (EMTAN)

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The Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Library Service in Nigerian Universities

SANI Abubakar Magaji
Journal Published at: Journal of Educational Research and Development, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 12, Number: 1, Range: ISSN: 0794-4667, 87-95.




Efficacy of Interactive Elements of Multimedia Instructional Package Created using PowerPoint on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Civic Education

2) SANI Abubakar Magaji, Kabiru A.S. and S. Mohammed
Journal Published at: Journal in Arts and Social Science Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: ISSN: 978-236-858-1, 167-180.




Relationship Between Time-Spent on Smartphone Utilization for Information-seeking and Academic Achievement of Pre-Service Teachers in Colleges of Education in North-West Nigeria

3) SANI Abubakar Magaji and Dankama A. M.
Journal Published at: Journal of Educational Research and Development, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 15, Number: 1, Range: ISSN: 0794-4667, 90-98.




Curriculum Change: The Effective Tool for Restoring Security in Nigeria

SANI Abubakar Magaji, Aminu Y.W. and Zulyadain S.G
Journal Published at: Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education. University of Bahrain Scientific Journal., Volume: 11, Number: 08, Range:




Problems and Prospect of Integrating Information and Communication Technology ICT in Enhancing Nigeria Education System

Conference Published at: 31st Annual Conference of Curriculum Organization of Nigeria, Faculty of Education Complex, University of Jos- Naraguta Campus, Range: 19th - 22nd




Instructional Technology Devices for Effective and Efficient Teaching and Learning in Kaduna State

Conference Published at: 2019 Annual International Conference on “Scaling -up Intervention & Sustainable Development”. Department of Vocational Education, University of Uyo, Range: 13th -17th




Challenges of Managing Teacher Education Programmes for Quality Teacher Preparation in Nigeria

Conference Published at: 1st International Conference on Education. Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano, Range: 5th -8th




Assessment of Policy Formulation and Implementation at Secondary Level of Education in Nigeria

Conference Published at: 2nd National Conference on Research and Development. Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Range: 13th -17th



SANI Abubakar Magaji, “Problems and Prospect of Integrating Information and Communication Technology ICT in Enhancing Nigeria Education System

Local Organised by: 31st Annual Conference of Curriculum Organization of Nigeria, Faculty of Education Complex, University of Jos- , Start date: 2018-09-19, End date: 2018-09-22

SANI Abubakar Magaji, Instructional Technology Devices for Effective and Efficient Teaching and Learning in Kaduna State”. A Paper Presented

Local Organised by: 2019 Annual International Conference on “Scaling -up Intervention & Sustainable Development”. Department of Vocational Education, , Start date: 2019-05-13, End date: 2019-05-17

SANI Abubakar Magaji, Abdulmanas U and R.S. Ahmed, Challenges of Managing Teacher Education Programmes for Quality Teacher Preparation in Nigeria

Local Organised by: 1st International Conference on Education. Department of Education, Bayero University, Kano. , Start date: 2022-12-05, End date: 2022-12-08

SANI Abubakar Magaji, Abdulmanas U and R.S. Ahmed, Assessment of Policy Formulation and Implementation at Secondary Level of Education in Nigeria

Local Organised by: 2nd National Conference on Research and Development. Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. , Start date: 2023-02-13, End date: 2023-02-17

Undergraduate Teaching

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