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  • Arabic

    Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

  • Arabic

    Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

  • Arabic

    Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

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    Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN).

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    Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS)

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    Academic Society for Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria (ASALLIN)

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    Strategic Institute for Natural Resources and Human Development, in Nigeria

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    I.V.C Programme Organized in Sokoto State by the Northern Zone of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, Sokoto

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    Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto

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    Sarkin Yamma College of Education, Bauchi

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الموسيقي الخارجية في تائية أمير المؤمنين محمد بلُّو ). “External Music in Ta’iyyatu Ameerul Mu’mineena [Muh’d Bello]”. An-Nahdah

1- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: An-Nahdah journal of Islamic Heritage, Centre for Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto, Volume: 4, Number: (1&2). ISSN: 1079 – 4829, Range: 198 – 206




أسماء الأفعال في القرآن الكريم: دراسة نحوية بلاغية تحليلية Verbal Nouns in the Glorious Qur’an: A Syntaxtical and Rhetorical Analysis

2- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Dirasaatun Arabiyyatun journal, Department of Arabic, Bayero University, Kano, Volume: 6, Number: ISSN: 2360 – 7645, Range: 55 – 78




الفعل المتعدي اللازم في القرآن الكريم: دراسة صرفية نحوية تطبيقية “Transitive/Intransitive Verb in the Glorious Qur’an”: An Applied Morphological and Syntaxtical Study

4- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-Mi’yar International journal of Arabic studies, Department of Arabic, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 1, Number: (1) ISSN: 2360 - 7750, Range: 262 – 281




صيغ المبالغة السماعية في القرآن الكريم: دراسة صرفية تطبيقية Acceptable Usage of Intensive Forms in the Glorious Qur’an: An Applied Morphological Study

3- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Malam Journal, Department of Arabic, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Volume: 8, Number: ISSN: 1118 – 3356, Range: 45 – 65




اسم التفضيل مع حذف "من" و"المفضل عليه" في مقامات الهمذاني: دراسة صرفية لبعض نماذجه ” Superlative Noun with the Deletion of ‘Min’ and ‘Al-Mufaddal Alaihi’ in the Muqamat al-Hamazani in the field of Arabic Morphology”: A Morphological Study of its Samples.

7- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-Ma’arif journal, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Katsina State Maiden Edition, Volume: 1, Number: (1), Range: 84 – 93




الفعل المتعدي إلى مفعولين ليس أصلهما مبتدأً وخبرا في القرآن الكريم: دراسة صرفية نحوية لنماذج “Transitive Verb with Two Objects that are originally neither Subject nor Predicate in the Glorious Qur’an; A Morphological Study of some Samples”.

Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Addad journal of Arabic Language, Literature and Culture. Department of Language and Linguistics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi Nasarawa, Volume: 2, Number: (1) ISSN: 4009 – 1213, Range: 170 – 183




أسماء المكان السماعية في القرآن الكريم: دراسة صرفية تطبيقية “Acceptable Usage of Names of Places in the Glorious Qur’an” An Applied Morphological Study

6- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-Qirtas Journal, Department of Arabic, Kaduna State University, Volume: II, Number: ISSN: 2276 – 8351, Range: 13-22




اسم التفضيل مع "من" و"المفضل عليه" في مقامات الهمذاني: دراسة صرفية لنماذج منه Superlative Noun with ‘Min’ and ‘Al-Mufaddal Alaihi’ in the Muqamat al-Hamazani. A Morphlogical Study of its Samples

8- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-hikmah journal of Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Katsina State, Volume: 2, Number: (1) ISSN: 2277 – 0658, Range: 333-346




أوزان بمعنى اسم المفعول في القرآن الكريم: دراسة صرفية Forms with the meaning of Passive Participle in the Glorious Qur’an: A Morphological Study

9- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Journal of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Volume: 1, Number: (1) ISSN: 2505 – 0036, Range: 54–64




لغة الجسد في الخطاب النبوي الشريف: الإشارات اليدوية في أحاديث كتاب "رياض الصالحين" أنموذجا Body Language in the Prophetic Noble Saying: Hand Gestures as a Case Study in the book of Riyad Assalihin

10- Abdulhakeem, S, & Ibrahim, Muhammadu S
Journal Published at: Al-Mi’yar International journal of Arabic studies, Department of Arabic, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 3, Number: (1) ISSN: 2360 – 7750, Range: 139-158




بعض البحور الشعرية المتشابهة: مشاكل وحلول Some Similar Arabic Poetic Metres: Problems and Solutions

11- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Journal of Research in Arts and Social Science Education, Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Volume: 6, Number: (1) ISSN: 978 – 236 – 858 – 1, Range: 223-226




أسلوب القسم ب"التاء" في القرآن الكريم: دراسة بلاغية تحليلية The Style of Oath with “Taa” in the Glorious Qur’an: Rhetorical and Analytical Study

12- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-Asima Journal, Department of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Volume: 9, Number: ISSN: 2277 – 9914, Range: 219-223




الفعل المبني للمجهول ودلالاته في أحاديث كتاب " بلوغ المرام": دراسة نحوية لنماذج مختارة Passive Verb and its Meanings in the Prophetic sayings of “Bulugul – Marami” A Syntaxtical Study of some selected samples

13- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al- Nazzara Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Religion and Philosophy, University of Jos, Volume: 2, Number: (2) ISSN: 2550 – 7184, Range: 111 - 120




النقد الموضوعي في نيجيريا: الشيخ عبد الله بن فوديو وناقدوه أنموذجا ‘Objective Criticism in Nigeria: As-Sheikh Abdullah bn Fodio and his Critics as sample’

14- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al-Aqlam Journal of Arabic Language, Literature and Culture. Department of Arabic Studies, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, Volume: 16, Number: (28) ISSN: 0331 – 1015., Range: 23 – 41




صيغ المبالغة في سورة (ص) الكريمة: دراسة صرفية تطبيقية Intensive Forms in Suratus- Sad: An Applied Morphological Study

15- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Yandoto Scientific Journal, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Federal University Gusau, Volume: 2, Number: ISSN: 26352990, Range: 71-86




التشبيه البليغ في شعر الشيخ إبراهيم عبد الله كونتغورا: دراسة تطبيقية تحليلية Eloquence Simile in the Poem of Ash-Sheikh Ibrahim Abdullahi Kontagora: An Applied Analytical Study’

16- Abdulhakeem, S. & Muhammad, Y. B
Journal Published at: Al-Aqlam Journal of Arabic Language, Literature and Culture. Department of Arabic Studies, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, Volume: 17, Number: (29) ISSN: 0331 - 1015, Range: 82 – 93




اسم الفاعل ودلالاته في سنن الترمذي: دراسة صرفية تطبيقية Present Participle and its Meanings in Attirmidhi collections: An Applied Morphological Study

17- Abdulhakeem, S.
Journal Published at: Al- Nazzara Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Religion and Philosophy, University of Jos, Volume: 3, Number: (1) ISSN: 2550 – 7184, Range: 1-10




أثر التشبيه في تنمية مهارة الكتابة الإنشائية لدى طلبة الصف الأول الثانوي في المدارس العربية The Effect of learning Simile on Essay Writing Skills for First year Secondary Students in Arab schools

18- Abdulhakeem, S. & Lawal, A.
Journal Published at: Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning, Department of Arabic Language Education, Islamic University, Negeri, Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia, Volume: 3, Number: (2) ISSN: 2620 – 5912, Range: 219-228




صور من النماذج المختارة للاستعارة التصريحية فى شعر الشيخ إبراهيم عبدالله: دراسة تحليلية Some Selected Samples of the Explicit Metaphor in the Poem of Al-Shekih Ibrahim Abdullahi: An Analytical Study

19- Abdulhakeem, S. & Muhammad, Y. B
Journal Published at: Al-Kunuuz Journal, Arabic Studies Department, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Volume: 5, Number: ISSN: 2408-6002, Range: 92 – 103.



Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 7. 30th National Conference of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), held at Ekiti State University , Start date: 2012-03-06, End date: 2012-03-10

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 6. 9th National Conference of Nigeria Teachers of Arabic language and Literature in Nigeria (NATALL) held at Kwara State University Auditorium, Malete , Start date: 2012-12-31, End date: 2013-01-03

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 4. 33rd National Conference of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), held at University of Ibadan , Start date: 2015-12-06, End date: 2015-12-10

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 5. 33rd National Conference of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), held at University of Ibadan , Start date: 2015-12-06, End date: 2015-12-10

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 2. 11th National Conference of the Academic Society for Arabic Language and Literature in Nigeria(ASALLIN), held at Umaru Musa ‘Yaradua University, Katsina State , Start date: 2016-10-17, End date: 2016-10-20

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 3. 11th National Conference of the Academic Society for Arabic language and Literature in Nigeria (ASALLIN), held at Umaru Musa ‘Yaradua University, Katsina State , Start date: 2016-10-17, End date: 2016-10-20

Dr. Abdulhakeem Shittu

Local Organised by: 1. 4th National Conference of the Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS), held at College of Education, Minna , Start date: 2016-12-15, End date: 2016-12-20

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