Educational Qualifications

  • Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination

    Science Secondary School, Kufena, Zaria

  • IJMB

    Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic

  • Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination

    Army Day Secondary School, Zaria

  • Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University

  • MSc Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University

  • PhD Botany

    Ahmadu Bello University

Professional Bodies Membership

  • Ordinary Member

    Botanical Society of Nigeria

  • Ordinary Member

    Ecological Society of Nigeria

  • Ordinary Member

    Phycological Society of Nigeria

  • Ordinary Member

    Sceince Assocition of Nigeria

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Earthworm survival in used engine oil contaminated soil spiked with manure

Ameh, A.O., Mohammed-Dabo, I. A., Ibrahim, S., Ameh, J. B., Azienge, C. D. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume: 5, Number: 3, Range: 923-929




Effect of earthworm inoculation on the bioremediation of used engine oil contaminated soil

Ameh, A.O., Mohammed-Dabo, I. A., Ibrahim, S., Ameh, J. B., Tanimu, Y. and Bello, T.K.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 493-503




Growth and biomass production assessment of some herbaceous legumes for soil conservation in Nigeria

Tanimu, J., Lyocks, S.W.J. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: Journal of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 38-44




Assessment of the Concentration of Metals in a Sewage Treatment Pond of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

Abolude, D. S., Barak, Z. Tanimu, Y., Bingari, M.S., Opabunmi, O.O. and Okafor
Journal Published at: Journal of Aquatic Sciences, Published by Association for Aquatic Sciences of Nigeria., Volume: 28, Number: 1, Range: 24-34




Phytochemical Evaluation of “Herb 25” a Herbal anti-malarial product by Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Analysis (GC-MS)

Tanimu, Y. Adamu, A.A. and Nuhu, H.
Journal Published at: Mambilla: Journal of Sciences and the Environment: 1: 74-82. Journal of Faculty of Sciences, Taraba State University, Jalingo., Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 74-82




Influence of Clarias gariepinus (Teugels) cage cultures on water quality, phytoplankton and periphyton composition: A case study of Ahmadu Bello University reservoir, Nigeria

Oniye, S. J., Tanimu, Y., Chia, A.M. C and Yusuf, D.
Journal Published at: Tropical Freshwater Biology, 23: 21 – 37.; DOI:, Volume: 23, Number: 1, Range: 21-37




Algicidal effects of aqueous leaf extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica) on Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) de Brébission

Chia A.M., Akinsami, J.T., Tanimu, Y. and Zakari Ladan, Z.
Journal Published at: Acta Botanica Brasilica, 30(1): 1-8. doi: 10.1590/0102-33062015abb0162. Published by Sociedade Botanica de Sao Paulo., Volume: 30, Number: 1, Range: 1-8




Dynamics of surface water physico-chemical characteristics in three man-made reservoirs in Northern-Nigeria and its implication on water quality

Tanimu, Y. and Bako, S.P.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research Published by Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 16, Number: 3, Range: 264-270




Effects of the crude ethanolic leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica, Newbouldia laevis, Tamarindus indica, Moringa oleifera and Terminalia catappa on Salmonella typhi

Tanimu, Y. and Odia, I.
Journal Published at: Journal of Tropical Biosciences, 12 (2):172-178. Published by Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria., Volume: 12, Number: 2, Range: 172-178




Determination and optimization of effect of process parameters on furfural yield from microalgae

Oguche J.E, Ameh A.O. and Tanimu Y.
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, 2 (2): 782 – 787. Published by Federal University Wukari, Nigeria., Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 782-787




Effect of Sodium Chloride on furfural yield from microalgae.

Ameh A.O., Oguche J.E, Tanimu Y. and S.A. Egu
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, 3 (2A): 461 – 465. Published by Federal University Wukari, Nigeria., Volume: 3, Number: 2A, Range: 461-465




Comparative foliar epidermal study on species of Senna found in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Ibrahim, R. Abubakar, B. Y. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, 6 (1): 054 – 062. Published by Federal University Wukari, Nigeria., Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 54-62




Leaf epidermal studies and ontogeny of some species of Senna found in Zaria

Ibrahim, R. Abubakar, B. Y. and Tanimu, Y., Yahaya, F., Adamu, K., Mohammed, M.T. and Ibrahim, I.
Journal Published at: Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6 (1): 054 – 062. Published by Federal University Duste, Nigeria., Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 54-62




Effects of Nitrogen Concentrations on Biomass, Lipid and Biodiesel Production Potentials of Spirogyra Species

Salisu, A., Umar, B., Appah, J., Aina, V. O., Tanimu, Y., and Yahaya, U.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 38 (2) : 134-139. Published by the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria., Volume: 38, Number: 2, Range: 134-139




Simultaneous phytoremediation of tannery effluent and production of fatty acids rich biomass by Chlorella sorokiniana

Gauje, B., Yusufu, W.N., Chia, A.M., Bako, S. P., Abolude, D.S., Tanimu, Y. Adudu, J. D. and Okoduwa, S. I. R.
Journal Published at: Journal of Applied Phycology, 34: 929–940 Published by Springer Netherlands., Volume: 34, Number: 1, Range: 929-940




(2022). Spatio-temporal variation of zooplankton as it relates to water quality in Makera drain and River Kaduna lotic systems, northern Nigeria

Tanimu, Y., Bassi, H. S., Tusayi, P. W., Yakubu, Y. and Tabacco, H.
Journal Published at: The Bioscientist Journal, 10 (2): 144-155. Published by the Faculty of Biosciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, Volume: 10, Number: 2, Range: 144-155




(2022). Effect of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (amf) on root and shoot fresh weight of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (l.)Walp) varieties grown on Alectra vogelii inoculated soil

Olaofe, O. D, Alonge, S.O. Zarafi, A.B., Adeosun, J.O. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Agricultural Research and Biotechnology. 9 (1): 181-196. Published by Timbou-African Academic Publications International, Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 181-196




Assessment of microcystins in surface water and irrigated vegetables in Kwaru stream, Hayin Danmani, Kaduna-Nigeria

Abdullahi, H., Tanimu, Y., Akinyemi, S. A. Bitterncourt-Oliveira, Md. C. and Chia, A. M.
Journal Published at: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Published by Springer Science + Business Media., Volume: 29, Number: 1, Range: 78303-78313




Effect of Glomus deserticola on plant height and leaf number of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (l.)Walp) varieties grown on Alectra vogelii inoculated soil.

Olaofe, O. D, Alonge, S.O. Zarafi, A.B., Adeosun, J.O. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Agricultural Research and Biotechnology. Published by Timbou-African Academic, Federal Ministry of Education, Volume: 11, Number: 1, Range: 96-110




Potentials of ruderal plants in the remediation of potentially toxic metal-contaminated sites in Kaduna metropolis, Northwestern Nigeria

Bako, S. P., Ezealor, A. U. and Tanimu, Y.
Journal Published at: The Bioscientist Journal, 11 (2): 106-113. Published by the Faculty of Biosciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, Volume: 11, Number: 2, Range: 106-113




Occurrence and ecological niche modelling of Irvingia gabonensis at cross river state, Nigeria

Akwaji Patrick Ishoro1*, Ugbogu Omokafe Alaba , Chukwuma Emmanuel Chukwudi , Tanimu Yahuza , Soyewo Temitope Luke
Journal Published at: Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, Volume: 7, Range: 96-127




Seasonal Survey of Phytoplankton as Biondicators of Water Quality in the Streams of Kagoro Forest, Kaduna. State-Northern Nigeria

Abagai R. T., Tiseer F. A., Balarabe M. L., Tanimu Y. & Tanko, D.
Conference Published at: Order of Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China June 1–4, 2011, pp 37-41., Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 37-41




Phytoplankton as Bioindicators of Water Quality in Saminaka Reservoir, Northern-Nigeria

Tanimu Y., Bako S. P., Adakole J. A. & Tanimu J.
Conference Published at: Order of Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China.pp 318-322., Volume: 2, Number: 1, Range: 318-322




(2012) Comparative Effects of Animal Manure Sources on Microbial Population in the Greenhouse.

Tanimu, J., Lyocks, S. W. J., Tanimu, Y. and Afolayan, S. A.
Conference Published at: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, held at the Bayero University, Kano,, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 5-9




(2011). A comparative Study on Phytoplankton Abundance and Physicochemical Characteristics between a Concrete and an Earthen Fish Pond in the Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State

Akanta, A. A., Amulabu, W.E. and Tanimu, Y.
Conference Published at: Published by the Pan-African Book Company in Association with JIMST, Accra, Ghana, Volume: 3, Number: 2, Range: 5-11




Diversity and abundance of planktonic diatoms as it relates to physico-chemical characteristics of Gimbawa and Zaria reservoirs, Kaduna State, Northern-Nigeria

Tanimu Y. And Bako S.P.
Conference Published at: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Biodiversity Conference, Lagos. Published by the Nigerian Tropical Biology Association:, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 60-66




Heavy Metal Deposition in Soils and Plants Impacted by Anthropogenic Modification of Two Sites in the Sudan Savanna of North Western Nigeria

Sunday Paul Bako, Augustine Uwanekwu Ezealor and Yahuza Tanimu
Conference Published at: Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination, Dr. Maria C. Hernandez Soriano (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1235-8, InTech, DOI:10.5772/57299. Available from:, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 697-722




Effects of Domestic Waste Water on the Water Quality of three reservoirs supplying Drinking Water in Kaduna State

Tanimu Y., Bako S. P., Adakole J. A.
Book Published at: Waste Water- Management and Evaluation. Intech Publishers, Rijeka, Croatia, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 269-283




Effects of Sewage Pollution on Water Quality Status of Samaru Stream, Zaria, Nigeria

Tanimu Y., Bako S.P. and Tiseer, F.A..
Book Published at: Waste Water: Treatment Technologies and Recent Analytical Developments. Intech Publishers, Rijeka, Croatia, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 189-195



18th Annual Confernce

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2009-03-08, End date: 2009-03-12

19th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2010-07-26, End date: 2010-07-29

20th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2011-06-06, End date: 2011-06-09

The 4th Annual Biodiversity Conference, University of Lagos

Local Organised by: Society for Conservation Biology , Start date: 2013-09-03, End date: 2013-09-03

22nd Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Nnsuka

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2014-06-06, End date: 2014-06-09

5th Annual International Conference of Nigerian Material Science Congress (NIMACON)In

Local Organised by: Material Science and Technology Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2016-05-05, End date: 2016-05-07

25th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2017-07-02, End date: 2017-07-06

26th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2018-08-13, End date: 2018-08-16

27th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Federal University, Dutse, JIgawa State Ekiti

Local Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2019-08-13, End date: 2019-08-16

3rd Biannual Conference of Phycological Society of Nigeria, University of Lagos

Local Organised by: Phycological Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2019-10-13, End date: 2019-10-17

10th Chemclass, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

International Organised by: Chemical Society of Nigeria, Zaria Branch , Start date: 2012-06-14, End date: 2012-06-15

23rd Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Lagos, Nigeria

International Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2015-08-16, End date: 2015-08-20

5th Raw Materials Research and Development Council International Conference on Natural Resources Development and Utilization, Rockview Royale Hotel, Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, Abuja

International Organised by: Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria , Start date: 2017-07-11, End date: 2017-07-13

29th Annual Confernce of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

International Organised by: Botanical Society of Nigeria , Start date: 2023-06-18, End date: 2023-06-22

55th Annual Conference of the Science Association of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

International Organised by: Science Association of Nigeria , Start date: 2023-07-02, End date: 2023-07-06

Undergraduate Teaching

Postgraduate Teaching
