Educational Qualifications

  • Primary School

    L.G.E.A. Primary School, Iyale, Dekina, Kogi State


    Government Secondary School, Dekina, Kogi State

  • Microbiology

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Basic Programming

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Microbiology

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • Microbiology

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Professional Bodies Membership

  • Member

    Nigeria Society of Microbiology

  • Member

    Society for Occupational Safety and Environment

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Antibacterial Activity of Crude Extracts of Daniella oliveri Against some Bacteria Associated with Enteric Infections

Yahaya, O., M. B. Tijjani; O. J. Abraham; I. O. Umar; O. E. Miachi and B. Usman.
Journal Published at: Journal of Medical and Applied Biosciences, ISSN:2277-0054 Centre for Research and innovations., Volume: 1, Number: 3, Range: 26-31




Occurrence and Distribution of Helminths in Commercially Sold Onions (Allium cepa) in Ega Market, Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria,

Yahaya, O., O.J. Abraham., J.I. Adaja., Jalija E.,I.O Umar., and U.E. Nwuka.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bayero University, Kano.ISSN: 0794-9057, Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 44-47




Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Newbouldia Laevis Extracts.

Yahaya, O., Umar.I.O. and Usman. B.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bayero University, Kano. ISSN: 0794-9057., Volume: 9, Number: 3, Range: 70-72




Parasitological Qualities of Water from Wells Located near Municipal Solid Waste Dump Sites in Parts of Zaria, Nigeria.

Yahaya, O., Umoh, V.J., Ameh, J.B. and Tijjani, M.B.
Journal Published at: Journal of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health.Society for Occupational and Environmental, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 92-96




Helminths in Commercially Sold Spinach (Spinacia olaracea). The Public Health Perspective.

Yahaya. O., Egbunu. Z.K., Miachi. O.E. and Ezema, C.L.
Journal Published at: Journal of Biological Sciences and Bioconversation, ISSN: 2277-0143, Centre for Research and innovations., Volume: 1, Number: 4, Range: 75-81




The use of Insecticide treated Nets among Children in Idah Metropolis, Kogi State. Journal of Occupational safety and Environmental Health.

Yahaya, O., Tijjani, M.B. And Imolegbemi, O.C. T
Journal Published at: Journal of Occupational safety and Environmental Health. org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/16.pdf, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 89-91




Occurrence of Malaria parasites Among Children and Pregnant Women attending Antanetal Clinic in Idah Metropolis, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Yahaya. O., Umar.I.O. Abraham. O.J., Egbunu. Z.K and Imoukhuede F.E.
Journal Published at: Biological and Environmental Sciences for the Tropics. Faculty of Science, Bayero University, Kano.ISSN: 0794-9057, Volume: 9, Number: 3, Range: 227-233




Microbial Quality of Animal Compost using the Windrow and Open pile Techniques.

Yahaya, O., Yakubu, S.A., Ado. S.A. and Whong, C.M.Z.
Journal Published at: Research Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology. DOI:10.19026/rjaset.6.3832, Volume: 6, Number: 12, Range: 2105-2109




Determination of Bacteriological Quality of Animal and Municipal Solid Waste Using Windrow and Open Pile Composting Techniques.

Yahaya, O., Yakubu, S.A., Whong, C.M.Z and Ado. S.A.
Journal Published at: Asian Journal of Agricultural Science. ISSN: 2041-3882; e-ISSN: 2041-3890, Volume: 5, Number: 5, Range: 88-92




Malaria Parasitaemia among Different Genotypic Groups in Idah Metropolis, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Yahaya. O., Umar, I.O., Dashen, M.M., Oyinloye, S.O., Yabefa, J.A., and Okwunjo, O.C.
Journal Published at: Journal of Medical and Applied Biosciences,, Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: 94-99




Effect of Composting on Temperature and the Total Plate count of Animal and Municipal Solid Waste.

Yahaya, O., Yakubu, S.E., Whong, C.M.Z. and. Ado. S.A.
Journal Published at: Journal of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health. Society for Occupational and Environmental Health., Volume: 1, Number: 2, Range: 239-243




Public Health Implications of Using Water from Wells Located Near Municipal Waste Dump Sites in Parts of Zaria, Nigeria

Yahaya. O., Umoh VJ, and Ameh J.B.
Journal Published at: African Journal of Environmental and Waste Management. Available online at © International Scholars Journals, Volume: 1, Number: 5, Range: 96-100




Inhibitory Properties of crude Ethanolic extract of Gossypium hirtusum Leaves on Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) in chicks.

Abraham, O.J., Ezeifeka, G.O., Odiba, P.A., Yahaya, O., Yusuf, D., Haruna, I., Yahaya, Oruma., Miachi, O.E. and Joshua, M.T. (2015).
Journal Published at: Journal of Science and Multidisciplinary Research., Volume: 7, Number: 1, Range: 123-127




Candidiasis Among Pregnant Women Attending Anti-natal Clinics in Parts of Idah L.G.A, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Yahaya, O., Yabefa, J.A., Orukotan, A.A., Adaja, J.A., Jalija, E. and Ahmed, F.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. ISSN: 0794-1293. Nigerian Society of Microbiology., Volume: 30, Number: 1, Range: 3464-3467




Antimicrobial Property of Crude Ethanolic extract of Mucuna pruriens leaves on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Shigella dysenterae,

Abraham, O.J., Nwobodo, A.A., Ngwu, B.A.F., Onwuatuegwu, J.T.C., Egnunu, Z.K., Yahaya, O., Amodu, A.E., Onuh, I. and Salihu, A.M. (2016).
Journal Published at: International Invention Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. ISSN: 2277-0135., Volume: 3, Number: 8, Range: 165-168




Prevalence of Tinea capitis Among Primary School Children. A case study from Igala-Mela/ Odolu L.G.A, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Yahaya O., Yabefa J.A., Orukotan. A.A; Jalija E., Adaja J.A and Okpoboh M.O.
Journal Published at: Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2006-6996, Volume: 9, Number: 2, Range: 40-42




Seroprevalence of Infectious Bursa Disease Virus in Locally Bred Chickens in Lokoja, Kogi State.

Abraham, O.J., Onwuatuegwu, J.T.C., Nwobodo, A.A., Ngwu, B.A.F., Yahaya, O., Onuh, I. and Eseyin, D. A.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. ISSN: 0794-1293. Nigerian Society of Microbiology., Volume: 31, Number: 1, Range: 3732-3734




Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Enterobacteriaceae and Molecular Characterization of Escherichia coli Isolate from Abattoir wastewater in Jos Metropolis.

Dashen, M.M; Cirfat, N.A; Tyem, D.A; Edia-Asuke, U.A; Tijjani, M.B; Jindagkat, M.G and Yahaya, O.
Journal Published at: African Journal of natural Sciences. ISSN: 1119-1104. Faculty of Natural Science, University of Jos, Nigeria., Volume: 1, Number: 20, Range: 1-12




Malaria Parasitaemia Among Women with Multiple Child Birth Attending Ante- natal Clinics in Parts of Idah and Igala-mela/Odolu Local Government Area, Kogi State, Nigeria.

YAHAYA. O., Miachi. E.O., Umar. I.O and Uwaokhonye. E.
Journal Published at: African Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases ISSN 4123-0981 Vol. 7 (3), pp. 001-003, March, 2019. Available online at © International Scholars Journals, Volume: 7, Number: 3, Range: 001-003




Bacteriological Quality of Some Liquid Herbal Preparations Sold Within Jos Metropolis, Nigeria and Antibiotic Susceptibility Of The Isolates

Dashen, M.M., Ogaji. A.O., Cirfat. N.A., Jidangkat. M.G., Yahaya. O., Deshi. L.N., and Shiaka. P.G.
Journal Published at: Science World Journal. Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University., Volume: 15, Number: 2, Range: 69-70




Isolation and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Escherichia coli from Urine Samples of Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Selected Hospitals within Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria.

Tijjani, R. J., Yahaya, O. and Inabo, H. I.
Journal Published at: UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research, 5(1) 1-8. ISSN 2616-0668. Department of Microbiology, Umaru Musa Yar-adua University, Katsina., Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: 1-8




Removal of Lead Ions from Water Using Pellet Generated from Bacillus subtilis Isolated from Gold Mining Sites in Niger State.

Gana, A.J., Tijjani. M.B., Yahaya, O. and Akinyeture. E.O.
Journal Published at: UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(1): 105-112. ISSN 2616-0668. Department of Microbiology, Umaru Musa Yar-adua University, Katsina., Volume: 6, Number: 1, Range: 105-112




Antibacterial Activities of Spondias Mombin on Clinical Isolates from University of Benin Teaching Hospital Edo State, Nigeria.

Osumah, O.R., Aghedo, E.S., Woghiren, E.P., Omusi, I.P. and Yahaya, O.
Journal Published at: Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research, Volume: 20, Number: 5, Range: 554-563




Parasitic Contamination Of Fresh Vegetables Sold In Selected Major Markets And Farms In Zaria.

Yahaya, O. and Bishop, G.H.
Journal Published at: Science World Journal. Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University., Volume: 17, Number: 1, Range: 70-73




Assesment of the Larvicidal Potency of Baccillus thuingiensis Against the Moth of Spoladea recurvalis on Amaranths Plant

Muhammed, R., Yahaya, O. and Machido, D.A.
Journal Published at: UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN 2616-0668. Department of Microbiology, Umaru Musa Yar-adua University, Katsina., Volume: 7, Number: 1, Range: 224-230




Determination of Seasonal Dynamics of Microbiological Quality in a Hospital Wastewater, Zaria, Nigeria

Abdullahi. A.F.., Abdullahi. A.A., Abolude. D.S., Yahaya. O.
Journal Published at: Journal of Health and Environmental Research., Volume: 8, Number: 4, Range: 221-224




Seasonal Assessment of Heavy Metal Contaminants of an Hospital Wastewater and Potentials of Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce and Vetiver Grass in its Phyto remediation.

Abdullahi. A.F.., Abdullahi. A.A., Abolude. D.S., Yahaya. O.
Journal Published at: American Journal of Biological and Environmental Statistics., Volume: 8, Number: 4, Range: 97-101




Contaminants Correlation and Curtailment Prospect of Water Hyacinth, Water lettuce and Vetiver Grass in Wastewater treatment

Abdullahi. A.F., Abdullahi. A.A., Abolude. D.S., Yahaya. O.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Biomedical and Clinical Research, Volume: 1, Number: 2, Range: 1-3




Distribution Dynamics Of Intestinal Parasites On Vegetables Sold In Egah Market, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Yahaya O., Bishop H.G., Umar I.O., Enoch A.C. and Markus D.A.
Journal Published at: Science World Journal. Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University., Volume: 18, Number: 1, Range: 71-74




Prevalence and Susceptibility Pattern of Histoplasma capsulatum Among Patients with Pulmonary Infection in Northern Nigeria According to Sociodemographic, Risk Factors and Clinical Presentations.

Osumah, R.O., Doko, M.H.I., Olonitola, O.S., Yahaya, O., Ungokore, H.Y., and Olayinka, B.O. (2023).
Journal Published at: Microbes and Infectious Diseases. DOI:10.21608/mid.2023.216101.1537,




Serosurvey for HIV, Hepatitis B, and C Viruses Among Apparently Healthy Students of Federal Polytechnic Idah and its Environs.

Abraham, O.J., Omotola, C.A., Okolo. M.O., Aminu, F. R., Edegbo, E., Emurotu, O.M., Muhammed, D., Chock, J.J., Ocean, H.O. and Yahaya, O.
Journal Published at: Host and Viruses, Volume: 10, Number: 1, Range: 51-57




Antiviral Screening of Crude Methanolic Extract of Harugana madagascariensis (Lam. Ex poir) Roots Against Newcastle Disease Virus in Embryonated Hens eggs

Abraham, O.J., Omotola, C.A., Okolo. M.O., Edegbo, E., Emurotu, O.M., Muhammed, D., Chock, J.J. and Yahaya, O.
Journal Published at: Microbes and Infectious Diseases, DOI: 10.21608/mid.2023.250469.1674 (in press),




Enhancing Bioremediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil from Kokori, Delta State, Nigeria Using Cow Dung as Biostimulant.

Onavwie, O. T., Yahaya, O., Machido, D.A. (2024).
Journal Published at: Confluence University Journal of Science and Technology, 1:1. doi: 10.5455/CUJOSTECH.240707., Volume: 1, Number: 1,




Bacteriological Quality of Drinking Water from Wells Located Near Municipal Solid Waste Dumps and Liquid Waste Sites in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Yahaya Ocholi (2024).
Journal Published at: Urban Water Journal, Taylor and Francis, Volume: 21, Number: 7, Range: 907-919




Occurrence and Diversity of Intestinal Parasites on Raw Vegetables Sold in Samaru, Zaria. U

Yahaya, O., Bishop, H.G., Abubakar, H., Jacob, S. and Apata, C.O. (2024).
Journal Published at: MYU Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN 2616-0668. Department of Microbiology, Umaru Musa Yar-adua University, Katsina., Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 158-163



First National Conference, Nigerian Society for Environmental Health (NSEH) Zaria, Nigeria. (2002).

Local Organised by: Nigerian Society for Environmental Health (NSEH) Zaria, Nigeria , Start date: 2002-11-12, End date: 2002-11-15

First National Conference, Nigerian Society for Environmental Health (NSEH) Zaria, Nigeria.

Local Organised by: Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health , Start date: 2002-11-12, End date: 2002-11-15

3rd National Conference, Society for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment held at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State.

Local Organised by: Society for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Health , Start date: 2006-11-08, End date: 2006-11-11

6th National Conference, Women in Technical Education and Employment (WITED), held at Multipurpose Hall, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State.

Local Organised by: Women in Technical Education and Employment , Start date: 2009-11-02, End date: 2009-11-05

35th Annual conference Nigeria society for Microbiology held between 9th -13th October, 2011 at the Musa Abdullahi Auditorium, New Campus Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.

Local Organised by: Nigeria society for Microbiology , Start date: 2011-10-09, End date: 2011-10-13

8th Annual Conference, Society for Occupational Safety and Environment, Zaria, held at the School of Postgraduate Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (2012).

Local Organised by: Society for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Health , Start date: 2012-11-12, End date: 2012-11-15

9th Annual National Conference of the Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (SOSEH),

Local Organised by: University of Calabar International Conference centre, Calabar. , Start date: 2013-11-06, End date: 2013-11-09

37th Annual conference Nigeria society for Microbiology.

Local Organised by: School of Postgraduate Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria , Start date: 2014-09-02, End date: 2014-09-05

41st Annual conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology.

Local Organised by: Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria. , Start date: 2018-09-03, End date: 2018-09-07

The 24th International Committee on food microbiology and hygiene,1st -4th September, Nantes, France.

International Organised by: International Food Microbiology and Hygiene , Start date: 2014-09-01, End date: 2014-09-04

Undergraduate Teaching

Postgraduate Teaching
