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Investigation into causes of poor academic performance in mathematics among Nigerian undergraduate students

Zakariya, Y. F., & Bamidele, E.F.
Journal Published at: World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume: 1, Number: 1, Range: 1–5




Investigating the validity of Math 105 as a prerequisite to Math 201 among undergraduate students in Nigeria

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Instruction, Volume: 9, Number: 1, Range: 107-118




Impacts of Problem-Based Learning on Performance and Retention in Mathematics among Junior Secondary School Students in Sabon-Gari Area of Kaduna State

Zakariya, Y. F., Ibrahim, M.O. & Adisa, L.O.
Journal Published at: International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, Volume: 9, Number: 2, Range: 42-47




Inverse Graphs Associated with Finite Groups

Alfuraidan, M.R., & Zakariya, Y.F.
Journal Published at: Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Volume: 5, Number: 1, Range: 142–154




Development of Attitudes towards Mathematics Scale (ATMS) using Nigerian Data – Factor Analysis as a Determinant of Attitude Subcategories

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume: 13, Number: 2, Range: 74 – 84




Estimation of melting points of fatty acids using homogeneously hybridized support vector regression

Owolabi, T. O., Zakariya, Y. F., Olatunji, S. O., & Akande, K. O.
Journal Published at: Neural Computing and Application, Volume: 28, Number: 1, Range: 275-287




Analytical Solutions to Fractional Fluid Flow and Oscillatory Process Models

Zakariya, Y. F., Afolabi, Y. O., Nuruddeen R. I., & Sarumi I. O.
Journal Published at: Fractal and Fractional, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 1–12




Development of Mathematics Anxiety Scale: Factor Analysis as a Determinant of Subcategories

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Journey of Pedagogical Research, Volume: 2, Number: 2, Range: 135-144




Analysing the fractional heat diffusion equation solution in comparison with the new fractional derivative by decomposition method

Nuruddeen, R. I., Zaman, F. D., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Malaya Journal of Matematik, Volume: 7, Number: 2, Range: 213-222




Calculus Self-Efficacy Inventory: Its Development and Relationship with Approaches to learning

Zakariya, Y. F., Goodchild, S., Bjørkestøl, K., & Nilsen, H. K.
Journal Published at: Education Sciences, Volume: 9, Number: 3, Range: 1–14




Study approaches in higher education mathematics: Investigating the statistical behaviour of an instrument translated into Norwegian

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Education Sciences, Volume: 9, Number: 3, Range: 1–10




On the exponential solutions to three extracts from extended fifth-order KdV equation

Seadawy, A. R., Nuruddeen, R. I., Aboodh, K. S., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Journal of King Saud University-Science, Volume: 32, Number: 1, Range: 765-769




University students’ learning approaches: an adaptation of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire to Norwegian

Zakariya, Y. F., Bjørkestøl, K., Nilsen, H. K., Goodchild, S., & Lorås, M.
Journal Published at: Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume: 64, Range: 1–10




Effects of school climate and teacher self-efficacy on job satisfaction of mostly STEM teachers: a structural multigroup invariance approach

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: International Journal of STEM Education, Volume: 7, Number: 1, Range: 1–12




Investigating Some Construct Validity Threats to TALIS 2018 Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale: Implications for Social Science Researchers and Practitioners

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Social Sciences, Volume: 9, Number: 4, Range: 1–13




Teacher job satisfaction across 38 countries and economies: An alignment optimization approach to a cross-cultural mean comparison

Zakariya, Y. F., Bjørkestøl, K., & Nilsen, H. K.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Educational Research, Volume: 101, Range: 1–10




Self-efficacy and approaches to learning mathematics among engineering students: empirical evidence for potential causal relations

Zakariya, Y. F., Nilsen, H. K., Goodchild, S., & Bjørkestøl, K.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume: 53, Number: 4, Range: 827-841




Impact of a Social Constructivist Instructional Strategy on Performance in Algebra with a Focus on Secondary School Students

Ginga, U. A., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Education Research International, Range: 1–8




Impact of attitude on approaches to learning mathematics: a structural equation modelling approach

Zakariya, Y. F., Nilsen, H. K., Bjørkestøl, K., & Goodchild, S.
Journal Published at: In Proceeding of the Third conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics. Bizerte, Tunisia. ISSN: 2496-1027. Publisher: University of Carthage and INDRUM, Range: 268 - 277




Assessing first-year engineering students’ pre-university mathematics knowledge: Preliminary validity results based on an item response theory model

Zakariya, Y. F., Nilsen, H. K., Goodchild, S., & Bjørkestøl, K.
Journal Published at: Journal of Technology and Science Education, Volume: 10, Number: 2, Range: 259 - 270




Exposing Empirical Links between COVID-19 Situation Report and Available Data: The Case of Nigeria

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Diseases, Volume: 8, Number: 4, Range: 1–11




Unpacking the black-box of students’ visual attention in Mathematics and English classrooms: Empirical evidence using mini-video recording gadgets

Farsani D., Radmehr, F., Alizadeh, M., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Range: 773–781




Self-efficacy between previous and current mathematics performance of undergraduate students: an instrumental variable approach to exposing a causal relationship

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Psychology, Volume: 11, Range: 1–11




Development of mathematics motivation scale: A preliminary exploratory study with a focus on secondary school students

Zakariya, Y. F., & Barattuci, M.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume: 17, Number: 1, Range: 314 – 324




Academic Achievement and Delay: A Study with Italian Post-Graduate Students in Psychology

Barattuci, M., Zakariya, Y. F., & Ramaci, T.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Instruction, Volume: 14, Number: 4, Range: 1–20




Application of an innovative alignment optimisation method to a cross-cultural mean comparison of teacher self-efficacy: A cross-country study

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Heliyon, Volume: 7, Number: 10, Range: 1–10




Analysis of relationships between prior knowledge, approaches to learning, and mathematics performance among engineering students

Zakariya, Y. F., Nilsen, H. K., Bjørkestøl, K., & Goodchild, S.
Journal Published at: International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume: 54, Number: 6, Range: 1015-1033




Reforming the teaching and learning of foundational mathematics courses: An investigation into the status quo of teaching, feedback delivery, and assessment in a first-year calculus course

Zakariya, Y. F., Midttun, Ø, Nyberg, S.O.G., & Gjesteland, T.
Journal Published at: Mathematics, Volume: 10, Number: 13, Range: 1–14




Short form of revised two-factor study process questionnaire: Development, validation, and cross-validation in two European countries

Zakariya, Y. F., & Barattucci, M.
Journal Published at: Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume: 75, Range: 1–9




Improving students’ mathematics self-efficacy: A systematic review of intervention studies

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Psychology, Range: 1–13




Cronbach’s alpha in mathematics education research: Its appropriateness, misuse, and alternatives in estimating scale reliability

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Psychology, Range: 1–6




Job satisfaction of mathematics teachers: An empirical investigation on quantifying the contributions of teacher self-efficacy and teacher motivation to teach

Zakariya, Y. F., Wardat, Y.
Journal Published at: Mathematics Education Research Journal, Range: 1–23




Approaches to Learning Mathematics: Preliminary Evidence of a Concise, Valid, and Reliable Instrument

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Psychology, Volume: 14, Range: 1–10




Digital escape game and students’ learning outcomes in mathematics: Experience from Brunei

Pg Abu Bakar, N. N., Shahrill, M., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: SAGE Open, Volume: 13, Number: 4, Range: 1–14




Affective constructs in mathematics education

Zakariya, Y. F., Awofala, A. O. A., & Radmehr, F.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Psychology, Volume: 15, Range: 1–2




Teacher instructional practices: Untangling their complex relations with self-efficacy, job satisfaction, well-being, and cooperation among mathematics teachers

Zakariya, Y. F., & Adegoke, N. A.
Journal Published at: Frontiers in Education, Volume: 9, Range: 1–12




Mathematics Teachers' Instructional Practices: A Psychometric Study of an Adapted Instrument

Zakariya, Y. F.
Journal Published at: In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Conference of Mathematics Teachers Association of Nigeria (MAN),




Early Developments in Doctoral Research in Norwegian Undergraduate Mathematics Education. In: Biehler, R., Liebendörfer, M., Gueudet, G., Rasmussen, C., Winsløw, C. (eds) Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education. Advances in Mathematic

Fredriksen, H., Goodchild, S., Hogstad, N. M., Kanwal, S., Landgärds, I., Liakos, Y., Tetaj, F., & Zakariya, Y. F.
Book Published at: Springer, Cham,



53rd Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Annual Conference

Local Organised by: Mathematical Association of Nigeria , Start date: 2016-08-24, End date: 2016-09-02

54th Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Annual Conference

Local Organised by: Mathematical Association of Nigeria , Start date: 2017-08-20, End date: 2017-08-25

60th Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) Anniversary Conference

Local Organised by: Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) , Start date: 2017-08-14, End date: 2019-08-19

64th Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (STAN) Annual Conference

Local Organised by: Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (STAN) , Start date: 2024-08-19, End date: 2024-08-22

60th Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) Annual Conference

Local Organised by: Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) , Start date: 2024-08-25, End date: 2024-08-30

4th International Workshop on “Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture”

International Organised by: Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in Collaboration with COMSAT, ISESCO and INIT , Start date: 2017-07-25, End date: 2017-07-27

Factor Analysis & Structural Equation Modelling with MPLUS workshop

International Organised by: Essex Summer School, Colchester, United Kingdom , Start date: 2019-08-05, End date: 2019-08-16

Third Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM)

International Organised by: International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM) , Start date: 2020-09-12, End date: 2020-09-19

20th SEFI Special Interest Group in Mathematics - SIG in Mathematics conference

International Organised by: European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Brussels , Start date: 2021-06-17, End date: 2021-06-18

3. 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12)

International Organised by: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) , Start date: 2022-02-02, End date: 2024-02-06

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